SQUILT for Classical Conversations Cycle 2 - Available Now!

A new volume of SQUILT is available!
This volume - SQUILT for Classical Conversations Cycle 2 is designed to be used with the musical component of Classical Conversations in weeks 19-24.
By no means is this LIMITED to Classical Conversations -- all children can benefit from the music instruction in this simple volume of SQUILT.
Table of Contents:
This volume emphasizes the following:
- Families of the Orchestra
- What is a Symphony?
- Classical and Romantic Eras in music
- 3 musical selections by Beethoven, Brahms, & Dvorak
- Supplemental Listening from each composer
As always, this volume is designed to be EASY for the non musical parent to teach. It is my prayer that this makes teaching music MUCH MORE SIMPLE!
I'm tickled to have my friend, Brandy, from Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood, endorse this volume.
“ I love the simplicity and that everything needed is contained in the download, and especially that it teaches real music appreciation! “
For a limited time this volume will be on sale for $4.99. The price will go up on January 14, so grab yours now!
To find out more and to make your purchase, simply visit the SQUILT website!
Have you started planning for your CC studies this semester? We return January 21 and I'm starting to gather our resources little by little. It's going to be a great semester!!
Reader Comments (2)
We went back today! I tutored the first semester and am happy to be "just mom" with my sweet Kinder girl for the remainder of the year. Excited about this resource. :)
Can't wait to see this! Thank you for all of your hard work to make this so simple for us and our young students! Ms. Mary rocks!