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Infinite Value and Learning in Each Moment - Collage Friday


Our week was packed with so much learning. 

I can say with certainty that we hit every subject, spend every day SOLIDLY at home and schooling, and treasured the moments.

These weeks are sometimes elusive, so I'm treasuring this one.

*This post contains affiliate links.

As we wrapped up our week with a trip to the library, I could see our shadows as we were walking to the car. When did my children's shadows almost reach mine?

In that moment it hit me how short my days are with them, and how I am immensely thankful I don't have to rush through life.

I've taken steps to reduce some commitments in 2014, and I'm seeing the benefits of those steps. 

It was a GOOD WEEK.

Lots of Math

We use Saxon Math all the way, but often we play math games and add other activities to reinforce concepts.

In Grant's Classical Conversations Math PreScripts book he has been learning about the Commutative Property. As chance would have it, he is also applying this property in his Saxon lessons this week.

The Mega-Fun Card Game Math book is a WONDERFUL resource. We played the Commutative Property card game countless times this week.  Good stuff. The best thing is that through the tactile learning my son totally gets this property (and it was a great review for my 12 year old daughter, too).

Knowing those math terms and being able to recite their definitions is genius - the grammar of math is so important, and I'm thankful I can teach it to my children in an orderly fashion that is clearly enhancing their understanding.

Music Appreciation

My heart soared this week at the library when Anna asked me if we could look up books about Music Therapy. She is very interested in this and is telling us she would like to be a music therapist at a children's hospital one day. 

Her music appreciation is voluntary now - I no longer have to structure things with her. Between playing piano, singing in her children's chorus, and her own listening I am so proud of the musician she is becoming.

I do sit down with Grant and use my SQUILT curriculum. This week we began Volume 2: Classical Era, with the first lesson about Haydn. 

Grant learned all about the instruments of the Classical Orchestra, and listened to the Surprise Symphony. 

Later that afternoon he came to me with his LEGO orchestra. 

I'm so afraid that if my children ever had to go to traditional school they would be miserable. The self direction, freedom, and creativity of homeschooling still amazes me. It is a completely different approach to learning - and my children know no other. 

Favorite Resources

We touched upon a little of everything this week, but I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.

1. Notebooking Pages - Grant notebooked about famous inventors this week. Notebooking Pages is having a sale that ends TODAY. We use this resource DAILY!  

2. Star Wars Folded Flyers - Coming up in Classical Conversations this semester is a week of paper airplane science. The Star Wars Folded Flyers book is AWESOME! During each break from "school" this week, Grant was in the front yard testing out his planes. 

3. Biology - The 100+ Series - In Challenge A, Anna will be learning about many body systems this semester. The children are required to memorize terms and draw systems from memory. I began exploring the requirements this week and am just blown away by the amount of knowledge she will be gaining. (She's most looking forward to dissecting a cow's eye -- remember how much she loved the frogs earlier this year?)

4. Read Alouds - Shoeless Joe & Me - while listening to this book aloud, Grant was also designing his own LEGO minifigure baseball players. I've also been reading When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit aloud to both kids at lunchtime. We will be learning extensively about WWI and WWII this semester, and I'm having trouble narrowing down all of the beautiful read alouds

No Spend January Update & Giveaway

The no spend month is going very well. 

Honestly, I thought I would be discontent, but I'm not. There are so many blessings to be gained when you take your time and spend it NOT spending money. 

I've already discovered 5 Benefits of a No Spend Month.

Since I don't want you to spend money, I'm giving away a Breville Juicer -- have you entered? 

I'm thankful for the chance to come to this place each Friday and read so many encouraging words from all of you, and then visit your blogs and read about your weeks, too. It's my favorite time of the week.

I do hope you'll join me!  

If you'd like to link, you can do so in a couple of ways:

  • Enter your link below. Be sure to link to your post with photo collages and link back to this post (or include the Collage Friday button on your blog).
  • Share your photo collage(s) on Instagram, FB, G+, or Twitter - use the hashtag #collagefriday so I can find you!

Reader Comments (10)

It sounds like a fabulous week. I am glad you are seeing so many benefits from not buying. I really thought it would be harder on us than it has been so far. We are making some changes to our budget so that we can get out from our car payment, so this will be a 6 month process for us. We will spend a little, but not as much as we were. I hope we can make it. We have to get out from under our payment so that our son can join his sister in tween dance company next Fall.
Blessings, Dawn

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

Oh I hear you about being at home and schooling and having that feeling of accomplishment - and being so grateful for it!! I love seeing your collages! happy weekend :)

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTricia

Those solid learning weeks are wonderful, aren't they? Not that we get them very often, but even a day feels so good!

We're also learning about the World Wars this term. I know what you mean - there is an abundance of fabulous historical fiction, isn't there? We just finished The Silver Sword which we all loved. Next we've got Private Peaceful lined up, and I'd also like to read When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit after we finish Puddles in the Lane (about English children in the blitz and being evacuated).
Thank you for hosting, Mary. Have a wonderful weekend!

I always leave a visit to your blog with a happy, refreshed state of mind. You are so encouraging. Thank you.

Another great week, Mary. I ordered that Math Card game e-book at Scholastic Dollar Days for $1 - but haven't used it yet. I guess I should!

Have a great weekend. :)

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMary

since we were away on vacation in early Jan we're going to try a no spending February. From your IG - I'm really looking forward to it!

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterStef Layton

I love your week! I've actually been thinking about ordering the Star Wars folded flyers for Bennett's birthday because he loves paper airplanes so much :-) We've talked about studying WWII this fall, after we get done with our knights and Samurai co-op class :-)

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Ray

My Leah did music therapy for a bit when she was younger and she loved it! Have a great weekend :)

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJen @ Forever, For Always

When I grow up I want my homeschool week to look like yours! Our week was so busy! I even had to go to Grand Jury! I totally got a kick out of the lego band! Loved the drummer.

I read with interest about Anna's interest in biology. I atteded a luncheon this week where a local woman scientist was given the highest honor for a woman in our community. I thought Anna might be interested in reading just a little bit about her. Although this article doesn't talk about the science that she does it is really quite amazing. She is unraveling the mystery of the cell and how disease works in the cell. She is really changing lives.

January 18, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKate Lyon

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