Curriculum Plans for Third Grade

I'm looking forward to third grade.
Second grade was a year full of so much wonder, exploration, and development for my youngest child.
I always thought I had a pretty good idea of his strengths and learning style up until this point, but last year gave me even more information about this great little guy God has entrusted to me.
*This post contains affiliate links.
My children won't be doing much together this year for school - since Anna is starting Classical Conversation's Challenge A program she will be working independently a lot.
Grant is still in that stage of wonder and exploration - we can be more flexible and free with him.
As I seriously thought about this year I knew it needed to entail certain things:
- MATH - my son loves math and is mathematically gifted
- Memorization - he loves to memorize and regurgitate information
- Building - LEGOS are an essential element to our homeschool!
- Living Books - this has always been the cornerstone of our homeschool - both of my children don't tolerate twaddle, and any curriculum we choose MUST be rich in iiving books
- Nature Exploration - we didn't do enough of this last year - I want to be intentional about nature walks and just time to PLAY.
Classical Conversations
Joining a Classical Conversations community seems to be a good fit for next year. Grant will be a part of the Foundations program, which still leaves me a lot of flexibility in what I will teach (within a certain framework).
I like that Grant will be exposed to memory work, a group setting, and great ideas that have stood the test of time.
(You might want to read Recovering Quality in a World of Quantity Academics by Leigh Bortins. She gives us much to think about.)
I'm not exactly sure how the year will play out, but I do know each morning will consist of our CC memory work (which is approximately 20 minutes). I will then fill in everything else to my/his liking!
The Foundations Guide will be my guide for this year -- as long as everything in that gets covered, then the rest is gravy!
*I love this Unofficial Cycle 2 booklist from Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood. I think I will be relying on this heavily! I also love the Cycle 2 Weekly Planner, which shows all of the subjects quite nicely. From there it's easy to see how CC provides the framework and I still have great flexibility to choose materials and fill in the rest.
Math is my son's first love.
He will be working through Saxon 5/4 for his main math program.
I've had MathART Projects and Activities sitting on my shelf for quite some time and plan to use a lot of these activities with him this year.
He loves any type of "project", and these seem to be right up his alley.
We also will be playing lots of math card games during our morning math time (both kids can do this together), using Mega Fun Card Game Math.
Classical Conversations will be in Cycle 2 this year (which is Medieval History). We did this volume of Story of the World last year, so I need to make things fresh and interesting. I'm glad Grant loved this era and I think we can dig deeper this time around.
In addition to his weekly history sentence, we have Project Passport: The Middle Ages from Homeschool in the Woods.
Can you say "WOW?"
This all inclusive history curriculum looks like so much fun - as I've been looking through it this summer I think it will provide so much depth and beauty to history.
We also have the History Through the Ages: Record of Time and figures from Homeschool in the Woods... Anna used these figures over the past four years, and now it's time for Grant to start his own timeline.
We will add living books throughout the year to coincide with history, too.
Writing With Ease has worked VERY well for us for the past two years.
Grant will be continuing with Level 2.
I love the format of narrating, copywork, and dictation. I saw what great results it produced in Anna and I'm starting to see glimpses of the same thing in Grant.
It is a hard program, but worth every ounce of effort. Grant also enjoys it, so that's a sure sign to keep going with it!
A little bit of grammar is brought into this, so we aren't going with a formal grammar program this year. Again, the memory work from CC covers grammar.
Spelling Workout has been our spelling program of choice for three years.
Again, it works well and I'm not changing a thing! It is more of a traditional school workbook curriculum, but Grant enjoys it and likes the routine of each lesson.
I haven't narrowed down any resources here yet.
I am planning to go along with the science memory work from Classical Conversations each week -- checking out library books and delving into some studies based on what they are studying at CC.
Nature study will play an important part this year - but that's something that is often spontaneous so I can't tell you my plans just yet.
Also begging to be used more this year are 2 sets of Snap Circuits.
Does your child have snap circuits? If you don't have a set, YOU SHOULD. We have inherited two sets and are so thankful for this resource!
LEGO Learning
There will, of course, be tons of LEGO Learning this year.
We have several products from LEGO Education (read all about them on my LEGO Learning page) and of course there is always spontaneous LEGO building each and every day.
Who knows what fun LEGO adventures we will have this year?
Fine Arts
We will be working through Harmony Art Mom's Fine Arts Plans - I need to see how this will fit in with CC.
Grant will of course also be testing out new SQUILT lessons with me - that just goes without saying!
Third grade is also the year for him to start piano lessons. He's telling me he's not excited about it, but learning to play the piano is a requirement in our homeschool. {Mean mommy.}
I love that God is woven into everything with Classical Conversations. Studying the Bible isn't relegated to a specific curriculum or time - it just IS who we are and why we are here. This does my heart such good.
We start each day with Grace for the Moment for Kids devotions and there will also be Bible passage memory work through CC.
Baseball will play a huge part in Grant's life. He did two weeks of baseball camp this summer and is obsessed with all things regarding America's favorite pasttime.
He plays fall baseball at a program locally and will probably join a team in the spring as well. This is my kid who is always doing something physical, so scheduling PE is pretty redundant!
*This is a tentative plan for third grade. The most important things are the CC memory work and the suggestions in the Foundations guide. Beyond that I will be filling in as we have time and desire.
I want this year to be a year of wonder, love of learning, and some interest led studies. The LAST thing I want is to bog my very bright little guy down with academics from ME.... it is my prayer that I continue to follow His lead and my child's lead as we grow and change.
Do you have a third grader? What do your plans look like for this year?
Reader Comments (12)
We are signing up for a 30 week Bible study that is comprised of about 20 homeschooling families! It meets every Tuesday and I am very much looking forward to it. I have never studied the Bible and to have the opportunity to learn alongside the girls thrills me. The focus is Old Testament which is just perfect considering we spent the last three years focused on ancient history. I am excited for some of the things we will be adding to our week, I just want to wait until they are underway before I share what we are up to. I will do my curriculum post sometime in October.
Thanks for sharing! I always like to see what other homeschool families are doing. My oldest is going into third grade. We have used Heart of Dakota in the past but felt it was time for a change. So we'll be doing most of his school on Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool online and supplementing with a few things and reading a lot of books from the library. Looking forward to a great year!
We aren't part of a CC community, but most of our memory work comes from the Foundations guide. On Pinterest there are hundreds of CC boards with so many great resources to cover the Foundations topics.
Have a great year!!
Your kiddos are exactly one year behind mine, so this doesn't help me, buuuut it looks like you've made some great choices. I love to see what other people are using.
Classical style learning does sound like a perfect fit for him. It seems as if he is going to have a full year.
I have a third grader this year! We're also continuing with Writing with Ease and we're going to be doing American History this year (because we haven't consistently done history yet), beginning with a big unit on different Indian tribes. (Then, I'm using Homeschool in the Woods Explorer unit as a spine for explorers.) We're also going to be doing several science units from Amanda Bennett, but everything will kind of gel together as we go. :-)
We are doing medieval this year too! Right now I've planned on SOTW, but I've been eyeing Passport Project too. This is the last decision I have to make! Oh, and we are doing the same timeline!
If you need any science inspiration for CC Cycle 2 :
I have a boy who turns 8 this summer and goes into 3rd grade. HE has already started his program Level 3 on EAsy Peasy Homeschool. He is doing well.. it's challenging him as he is doing things daily that he wasn't before like reading and writing. But he is enjoying and so am I as he is doing more independent work on the computer. I highly recommend allinonehomeschool dot com and it's FREE.
I have the MathART book at home. We love it and have done several of the exercises. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. And nature study is close to my heart. I hope you have an excellent year.
I have a first grade boy who seems to have lots of similar interests and aptitudes as your third grader. I'm going to be following your year very closely. We're going to be using the Foundation Guide at home this year along with most all of the same curriculum choices; with the exception of Singapore Math. I've struggled with the math curriculum choice since he is so fascinated with the subject. The closest CC community is 45 minutes away from us.
Wishing you all a great school year.
This is such a fun age! It's always a difficult transition for me when my olders are more independent in their schooling and not working so much with the younger ones.
The math art resource looks terrific! And I have a couple of boys who'll be very interested in knowing how you use lego in learning (checking out your page!)
Have a wonderful start to your new school year!