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Why Would Anyone BLOG? 


Blogging is a funny thing.

I actually wondered (many years ago), "Why Would Anyone Blog?"

Ahhh.  Never say never to anything in life. Here I am - a blogger.

If you really dive into blogging,  you will see that bloggers are a smart, creative, helpful, and innovative group of people who are changing the world with their unique voices.

When my husband encouraged me (in 2009) to start blogging, I thought he was a bit nuts. I indulged him, however, and started a little Blogger blog called Homeschool Success.

Now, almost four years later, Homegrown Learners is such an important part of my life. 

"How Do You Have TIME to Blog?"

I've heard this question so many times. Often, it is from well meaning friends and acquaintances, but the tone in their voice denotes that I certainly must be letting other things in my life slide.

Guess what?

Some things in my life have gone by the wayside because of blogging.

They are things that just aren't as important to me right now. (Cleaning and decorating are the two big things I can think of!)

My children are also bigger now. They are responsible for their own laundry and keeping their rooms and bathroom clean. 

I am blessed to have a very supportive husband. He gives me time to work on the weekends, helps with so much around the house, and provides a listening ear.

People don't say to someone with a part time job, "How do you have time to work?, do they? Blogging is my part time job, and I just happen to love it. It allows me to share my life story, have a voice, and have fun doing it.


What Blogging Means to Me

In the early stages blogging was just what I described - a way to connect, share, and record my life.

It is all of those things and SO MUCH MORE than that now.

Blogging has given me the chance to use my creativity in a way that benefits  eople.

As I am creating music lessons, unit studies, and LEGO activities for my own kids, it's fun to share them on my site. I hope my blog is a blessing to other homeschool families. I

{In my early days of homeschooling I would frequent Homeschool Creations for awesome printables. Jolanthe's site blesses so many families, and I pray mine does the same.}

Blogging has given me the chance to preserve all of these memories for my family.

I love that I can write about the awesome days and the not so awesome days, too. I can look back over the past four years of homeschooling with pride and happiness. Believe me, there are days (when things aren't going so well) that I will go back through my blog and read those happy posts. They keep me going!

Blogging has given me the chance to earn a side income.

If you do your homework, network, and play your cards right, blogging can indeed provide income. I am so fortunate to be doing what I love and getting paid to do it.  

I have an undergraduate degree in Music Education and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Supervision.

I never imagined I would be WRITING.

God's just awesome with all of the surprises He has put in my life. 

Blogging has given me the chance to develop this COMMUNITY 

This is probably the benefit of blogging I love the most -- all of YOU.

Each week we come together and comment on posts, share ideas, and chat about educating our kids the best we can. 

I have made lifelong friends through this community, and I know you have, too. Each Friday I visit Collage Friday posts and see you all commenting on each other's blogs. We are harnessing the power of the blogosphere for our children's good, and this makes me so happy.

My Contribution to iBlog: Everything You Need To Know About Blogging

This Wednesday, May 1, there will be a book released. In this book I have authored the chapter, "Growing Community Through Your Blog". This subject is near to my heart, because I love the community that Homegrown Learners has become.

This eBook covers literally everything you need to know about blogging.  It is a comprehensive guide to starting, maintaining, and growing a blog. 


In the book I talk about RELATIONSHIP, and how that is the essential ingredient to building community. (Here's a snippet - and if you want to read the whole book, please come back here and it will be for sale Wednesday, May 1!)

 It's all about relationship. We hear the catch phrase so often, but what does it really mean?

Building relationships with other bloggers and readers is a key to building community through your blog.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you promote others more than you promote yourself?
  • When you read blogs, do you comment thoughtfully?
  • What are your motivations for all of your online interactions?
  • Are you trying to make lifelong friends online or just befriending people to get ahead?
  • Would you consider being friends in real life with the people you seek out online?
  • Is what you have to say worthwhile? (Don't bombard everyone out there in cyberspace with irrelevant information.)

Wednesday I will be sharing the link to purchase this book, as well as giving away a copy.


*Update!   iBlog is now available.  Purchase your copy by clicking here.

I think bloggers are changing the way we work, live, and do business.  Do NOT underestimate the power of the blogosphere!  

Until then, I'd like to know -- are you a blogger?

If you are, WHY DO YOU BLOG?

If you're not a blogger, have you ever wanted to start a blog?  

This week's bundle of the week is a technology & internet bundle, helping you to use technology in your everyday life. I'm esepcially excited to read The Mom's Guide to Evernote!, 5 eBooks for $7.40!

Reader Comments (16)

Well, I got a blog address on wordpress and wrote a couple of posts, but then realized that it is just a bunch of ramblings that don't really have a purpose. So I have hidden the blog until I can write up a plan for it so it has a purpose and a place where it is growing toward :) So the answer to "Am I a blogger?" would have to be "ish". :D

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

I blog for the community and because I love to share the books I read and those I read with my children. :)

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAmy @ Hope Is the Word

Well, you know my answer ;) Great post. I get that all the time "how do you have time to blog?", often it's a sincere question, but once in a while it's implying that my children are raising themselves! We are blessed with supportive husbands who value what we do, even when it isn't always valued by others. Keep up the good work Mary!!

Some of my most dear friends I have met through blogs. That sounds like a very good book.

Well, I sure am glad you blog, Mary!
I guess started blogging as a way to show far away grandparents what their granddaughters had been up to...
I had no idea that I would meet so many new friends and find a place in a community of homeschoolers.
The best part is realizing that you are apart of an incredible support system- one in which you can encourage or be encouraged.

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

So well said. I started blogging to share our life with our friends & family that live far from us. But it has grown so much & I have found things that I love, passions that I didn't know I had & a semi-new "career" out of it. I love it because I am not defined by being a homeschooling mom. I have many other things that define who I am & I can share those things through blogging. I have met so many amazing people all over the world- I am so grateful for their friendships & for the Lord bringing them into my life to make it better.

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGina

I have a blog however it's still private... Just for friends and family. I really want to make it public, but I am scared to death...I really don't think I have anything to offer...

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea

It's taken me awhile - almost 4 years and multiple site designs - but I've finally found my unique voice. Whew! In the beginning, I went with the flow and tried to do a home school blog. I was simply too new at it and too unsure of myself. It fell flat. I didn't give up because I love to write. Blogging is the most wonderful outlet and I couldn't imagine my life without it. When I need home schooling advice or encouragement I head to your blogging community and get my tank filled :)

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

I do blog! I blog because I feel the need to reach people. I want to change someones life for the better. If i can reach just one person; it is all worth it. Thats why I blog.

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAmy (Jess)

I'm new to blogging. I started it simply because I was trying to connect with like minds and by simply commenting regulalrly I was beginning to feel like a stalker or something! So far I'm deliberately keeping it small since dh especially has privacy concerns.

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSandra

Thanks for the encouragement, Mary. I am pretty new to blogging. Still working out some kinks and finding my way. This is a wonderful post. I want to make a difference and this helps give me some confidence to follow my heart, and fingers and let God lead the way :)

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCheri @hecticsweetness

Thanks! I finally got the nerve to start a blog last weekend. I have one post that I haven't managed to actually get to show up yet. I'm looking forward to sharing ideas and being part of the conversation instead of just reading everyone else's posts. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarol

You and your blog are a sweet blessing, Mary! I started blogging as therapy. I need to tell my story but I'm not a talker and most of the people I know are sick of hearing about it anyway! Blogging lets me "talk" and if you don't want to "listen" you don't have to! Then I realized you can make a little money blogging, so that's what I'm working on now! I'm sure I will learn a lot from you!

April 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSylvia

Thank you for your wonderful blog... it inspires us! My son is a lego fanatic and we have been able to use many of your ideas. We started a blog not to long ago and it is authored by my 5 alomst 6 year old son! It is a good way to promote his writing skills and he loves that people can see what he has written and created!

April 30, 2013 | Unregistered Commenter3beanz

I just started a blog myself which I had been planning and working on for months before I even launched it. I don't really have much of a readership right now, seeing that it's still new. Even if it does remain hidden in the back of the interwebs, it gives me a vehicle to hone in on my writing skills and to gain knowledge on the topics of homeschooling, college, and career building.

April 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJustin Gregoire

I began blogging when I was selling scrapbooking layouts and cards on Ebay and then I moved to Etsy. Once homeschooling took off when my oldest was around k-1st grade, my crafting kind of fell by the wayside. I still craft but it's mostly custom orders now. So my blog turned into homeschooling, cooking and other Christian topics. As an unschoolers, eclectic Mom, I wanted to share all the free resources out there to homeschoolers. I find so many moms lost on where to begin, what curriculum to purchase. The internet is a great resource and at our fingertips... we really don't need much else to learn anything. I would love to be more active and write more often, but I am so busy with 4 kids at home. I really have not been able to find time to blog more than once or twice a month.

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