Sharing Ideas With LEGO Learning

In case you hadn't noticed, we love learning with LEGOS!
They encourage creativity, concentration, discipline, and just plain FUN!
These little bricks enter into so many areas of our homeschool.
History = LEGO Landmarks
Math = LEGO Candy Math
Science = Interlocking Brick Technique/How to Stand On Your LEGO Creation
Reading = LEGO reader books
Writing = stories with LEGO minifigure character printables
I want to detail the ways we can connect and share LEGO ideas.
The beauty of this homeschooling life is that we can learn from each other, share ideas, and have so much fun.
LEGO Learning @ Homegrown Learners
Visit my LEGO page to view all of the ideas, printables, etc... in one place. I will be keeping this updated with new ideas regularly.
Follow Homegrown Learners on Facebook
The Facebook page is a great place to see pictures of LEGO ideas, keep up to date with posts, and just exchange ideas in general.
Follow Me on Pinterest
I have a board dedicated to LEGO: LEGO Activities
Come follow me!
Follow Me on Instagram
I love to post photos of LEGO ideas and creations throughout the day.
If you are on Instagram, please follow me (@marykprather). Leave me a note and let me know you're following me for LEGO ideas and I will follow you back.
Use the hashtag #legolearning with your photos so we can keep up with each other!
Join the #legolearning TWUBS
Have you heard of Twubs? Twubs is...
Hashtags made useful. Follow hashtags and conversations that interest you. Real-time tweets, photos, videos and more from hashtags in one place.
The potential for this is really exciting!
If you tweet things about LEGO Learning with the hashtag #legolearning, it all shows up on the #legolearning Twubs page.
(Follow me on Twitter: @marykprather )
Link your Instagram pictures to Twitter - use the hashtag #legolearning.
Tweet your LEGO ideas - use the hashtag #legolearning.
I hope you will join this new community!
You can subscribe to Homegrown Learners so you don't miss any LEGO Learning posts!
How can I connect with you and your LEGO ideas?
Leave me a comment and let me know if I can follow your blog, Instagram, Pinterest, or other social media account.
We'll always use #legolearning to keep all of our ideas together!
Reader Comments (2)
I will have to link to this on one of my Lego posts!
Lots of great stuff here Mary!