I Can't Homeschool Because I Don't Have the Patience!

Last week, I tackled a subject that had really been bothering me.
I want people who talk to me about homeschooling to Stop Telling Me Why They Can't Homeschool.
It was all a bit tongue and cheek, but I know there are a lot of reasons people give that are valid IN THEIR MINDS.
People who have been homeschooling any length of time know these reasons should not stop you from homeschooling.
But, when you are contemplating homeschooling, the reasons ARE VALID and HUGE.
Believe me when I tell you, I GET IT.
I thought about homeschooling for two years before our family took the plunge.
I know every "excuse" in the book.
Today, I'd like to look at the number one reason people tell me they can't homeschool:
"I Don't Have the Patience!"
Lest you think I am full of patience, please ask my children and my husband.
Impatience is one of my defining characteristics, and I'm not proud of that. I am constantly working on this.
As I've been thinking about this subject, however, I've learned some important things.
I love this graphic:
Did you read that carefully?
Patience is not the ability to wait, but to keep a good attitude while waiting.
And guess what?
Attitude is something YOU CAN CONTROL.
Patience is not something bestowed on just a chosen few.
Patience is something to continually be worked on, prayed about, and sought after.
So, not to be flip about this, but not having patience doesn't disqualify you from homeschooling!
If you want to do what's best for your children, resolve to work on your patience.
If you are SERIOUS about homeschooling, then you will do everything in your power to make it work.
.... and I KNOW you can do it.
{Even if you don't homeschool, shouldn't you strive to be patient with your children?}
Patience won't be the last of things you'll have to work on while you're homeschooling, that's for sure.
For more excuses why you can't homeschool, read what other iHN bloggers are saying today in the "I Can't Homeschool Because..." series.
Reader Comments (12)
Mary, this is the comment I hear the most when I tell people I homeschool! I always respond: "Do you see this red hair on my head?! Patience is not my strong point."
I love the tips in your excellent article, especially the points about attitude. I'm taking them to heart.
Love this! I can't wait to read the whole series. We decided over a six month period of time. My husband was much more ready almost instantly. I took a bit longer to warm up to the idea. I am so glad we took the plunge.
Blessings, Dawn
That's the top reason I hear and when people who really know me say that - I bascially look at them and say, "Seriously?" Having patience is a daily battle for me. Daily, Hourly. Minute by Minute. Great post, Mary.
Yep. Great post. And that quote is fabulous -- because I'm not naturally patient either!
Yes, this is the excuse I hear the most now, and I am not a patient person either. I just love them so much, I try harder.
Well written, well said, Mary. I would say, half the people on our (very) long block could home school if they got past all the excuses. and patience...whew! That saying made me feel so much better this morning. Patience is definitely not a light switch you turn on and poof! there it is. If that were the case...someone forgot to put that light switch in my home ;)
I"m not patient either. It always cracks me up when I hear that.
And I agree, I love that quote. Maybe I should blow it up and paste it all over my house.
Love, love, love the quote, Mary! Attitude is so central, isn't it?!?
Of course you ROCK Mary! I love this! Homeschooling was never even any other option for us...can't imagine my life without it!
Perfect way to put it: something to continually be worked on, prayed about, and sought after. And you also hit the nail on the head--patience won't be the only thing we'll need to work on! Becoming a mother caused a lot of personal growth for me, and homeschooling just amplified motherhood!
I hope I don't sound judgmental, but people need to make up reasons to justify why they don't WANT to homeschool!
AWESOME post! Love that quote. So much truth behind that.