Children's Favorite Bible Stories Giveaway

Our selection from Tommy Nelson this month is Children's Favorite Bible Stories.
We have been enjoying this book, with its vivid illustrations, each and every day during our devotion time.
About The Book
Recommended for ages 6-12, this book features almost 200 Bible stories from the Old and New Testament, using the International Children's Bible text.
Other features include suggestions for family activities, quotes from religious greats, prayers, and other prompts.
During one of our devotions this Lenten season we were reading about how Jesus washed his disciples feet. I immediately found the story in Children's Favorite Bible Stories and it made our simple reading come more to life.
Each story in this collection is presented in such a way that it inspires your children to think just a bit deeper.
What Our Family Liked
Both of my children (ages 8 and 11) enjoyed listening to these stories. It is kept with our devotion books on the kitchen table so we can supplement our readings with the matching story. It has been very helpful.
When we first opened the book, Grant remarked about the "cool illustrations" (one per story) that really draw kids into the book. It is a beautiful, hardbound book that will be a special keepsake for my children for years to come.
You can purchase Chilren's Favorite Bibile Stories for $19.99 from Tommy Nelson.
I'm pleased to be able to give away one of these books.
Entering is simple:
- Leave me a comment and tell me your family's favorite Bible story.
- Subscribe to Homegrown Learners via email so you can find out about more great Tommy Nelson resources I will be sharing. Leave me a comment telling me you subscribed. (If you are a current subscriber, let me know that in a comment, too!)
This giveaway will be open until Sunday, March 2 at midnight.
Disclaimer: I received the above named product from Tommy Nelson Publishing in return for my honest review. I have not been compensated in any other form.
Reader Comments (27)
I've subscribed!
My favorite Bible story is the parable of the lost sheep. My daughter's is the Christmas story. <3
Right now my little girls love the creation story. I am subscribed. Thank you.
My kids' favorite story right now is Joseph and his brothers. My favorite is the healing for the centurion soldier. He had a serious faith.
Our family likes the Passover story and we are subscribed.
My oldest boy's favorite Bible character is definitely David. They love the story of his battle w/Goliath, but also they re-enact how he tried to soothe King Saul's troubled heart. My youngest loves "Jesus loves the little children"- when Jesus tells the little ones to come to him! :) (We just read it last night). Thanks! We already subscribed to your site, too :)
We love Daniel and the Lions' Den!
I want to win. I've been collecting children's bibles to use with my kids and in kidmin!
favorite story-- all of them? hope found in Ruth's heart, or Hannah's heart as they trusted God so fully.
I subscribed as well!
"Bunky" {our 6 year old} LOVES the story of David and Goliath and the Tower of Babel.
I'm a subscriber!!
Our favorite story is Jesus' ministry and miracles while he was here on Earth. My son loves the part about the feeding the 5000!
Our favorite Bible Story would be David and Goliath. :)
I am already subscribed. :)
Its hard to choose a favorite but right now we are loving creation.
I just subscribed
We have so many favorites!! I love the story of Jesus crying over Lazarus. My daughter adores the stories of Ruth and Esther. I think my 5 yo's favorite is David and Goliath. LOL
I subscribed via email!
Our favorite Bible story is probably the creation account, at the moment. I am already a subscriber.
Favorite Bible story is Esther.
I am a subscriber!
I'm already a subscriber...
Not a "story," but one of our family's "go-to" scriptures is the time when Jesus told folks to remove the plank from your own eye before you try to remove a splinter from someone else's. It keeps us ALL on track.
One of our favorites is an old ARCH book about the parable of the king and the feast.
Our favorite bible story is in Daniel, about Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace. Although my daughter also loves Joseph and his coat of many colors.
I am a current subscriber.