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The Summer is Slipping Away - Collage Friday


I'm having a hard time letting my summer slip away.  How is it that there is only another month until we are going full tilt again?

There was absolutely NO SCHOOL going on here this week.   I didn't even read aloud to my kids.   We babysat a friend of ours one day and another day GMan and Miss B each had a friend over to play and spend the night.  Between that and the holiday on Wednesday you get the picture.


I think that through a series of events  I've been FORCED into putting school on the back burner, which is a blessing in disguise.  I'm guilty of never giving myself or my children a TOTAL break, and that's what we've had for the past few weeks.  

I've started the reorganization process for August... cleaning out supplies and tweaking our homeschool areas a little.  I'll be sharing more of that with you during the 4th annual Not Back To School Blog Hop!  

Next week we are at music camp ALL WEEK -- I teach a class and the kids go to camp 9-4 each day.  It all culminates with a performance Friday night.  This is always a week to remember.   The day after camp ends my husband and I are going away to celebrate our 15th anniversary, so the next couple of weeks will be busy.  I'm not anticipating a lot of time to think about or plan for homeschool, so I'm glad I got in a few days of that this week.

In case you missed the happenings on the blog this week:


  • Happy Birthday JK Rowling - with FREE printable Harry Potter notebooking pages.   I worked long and hard on these and I hope  children (in addition to my own!) will benefit.  
  • Have you entered the giveaway for a What's In The Bible DVD?  
  • I'm now a contributing writer for The Homeschool Classroom.  My first post is about getting a grip on planning.  


Now for the "collage" part of today's post:

Left to right - top to bottom:

1.  Miss B had a sweet friend spend the night.  They had fun watching American Girl movies, playing with the dog, and just spending time together.  We are thankful for friends this week!

2.  Last weekend (during the sweltering temperatures abovet 100 here in Georgia) we swam quite a bit.  My husband also made a Chutney-Glazed Brisket  on the Big Green Egg that was to die for!  Dessert was a new recipe for me:  Homemade Peach Ice Cream.  OK -- seriously good!   {And yes - I am still exercising and watching what I eat.  No weight was lost this week, but none gained, either.}

3.  GMan has been working hard to enter the current Lego Club contest - to build a scene from The Lord of The Rings.

4.  We also got to spend the day with a fun four year old.  The kids wanted to play Candy Land with him.  Something about this game never gets old!



We spent the 4th at the Braves game in Atlanta.  This is the third year we have done this - so I think it's our tradition now.   Each year we take a picture in the big chair on top of the field.   As you can see, GMan still loves to give his sister kisses.  She is starting to be less than enthused sometimes.   At breakfast the day after the game GMan told his dad privately that he missed his sister giving him kisses.   Well, daddy had a chat with Miss B, and she's been showering him with affection, which he just loves.  

There is also a fun area for kids at Turner Field to run the bases.  This is probably my son's favorite thing to do at the games.


More pictures from the 4th.   The US Army (Old Guard) Fife and Drum Corps performed.   They were amazing!  A huge flag was unfurled on the field and planes flew overhead.  It was quite patriotic.   Although the Braves were humiliated by the Cubs (5-1), the fireworks show afterwards was spectacular.  GMan doesn't appreciate the loud noise, but loved the fireworks.  

 Speaking of patriotism, I loved Nancy's post at Sage Parnassus about Liberty.  You really should take the time to read Lovers of Liberty.

All in all, a fun summer week that I'm glad I take the time to document through photo collages.  It's well worth the time it takes me each Thursday night to write this post - when I look back on all of our weeks it does my heart good.   

How was your week?  I hope you can join me for Collage Friday!  Create a post with photo collages (I use Picmonkey to make mine.) Grab the Collage Friday button and use it in your post or sidebar.  Sign the linky, and be sure to visit someone else on the list, too.   


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    If you adore football, you possibly have a preferred group from the National Football League or two and have a list of players who like to have noticed.
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