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I Don't Fit the Stereotype - Collage Friday



 Why is it so shocking to me that my children are growing, and growing quickly??   This past week we got rid of their beloved playhouse.  This playhouse has seem a gazillion hours of play in the past eight years.    As I went to take a picture of it and put it up for sale, I had GMan stand by the house.    

That's when it hit me:  My time with these children is running out!  Yes, I know I have more time with them, but the baby days are over.    I'm sad.   I know the next stage is new, different, and wonderful, too - but I'm still sad.

I found myself wanting to spend a lot of one on one time with my children this week.   Miss B and I went to get "coffee" at the bookstore (just the two of us) and then did a little shopping at Claire's.  GMan and I had an evening to ourselves and ate grilled peanut butter and jellies and cinnamon apples.  We also read a wonderful series of books together.

The week was full of reading, Lego building, swimming lessons, and preparing for my piano students' recital this Sunday.   Truthfully, I don't know where the week went.   I feel like we don't have a lot to show for the week, but some weeks are just like that.    

I look forward to Collage Friday.  It's a chance to look back on the week and always pick out the GOOD - the things we want to remember.  

1.   Lots of Harry Potter reading this week - here's a minifig of Harry hanging over G's chocolate milk.  

2.   I purchased The Well Planned Day for Miss B.  We went through her calendar for the children's chorus she will be in and wrote down rehearsal and performance dates.   Next semester is going to be busy, and I want to teach her how to handle her schedule.     

3.  My dear father-in-law gave me this t-shirt:  "Will Work for Wine and Shoes".   He is a collector of fine wines and I do enjoy my glass of Reisling, too (and my husband is a craft beer enthusiast... he brews in our basement, in fact)  - I have to laugh, though, because on the day I was wearing this shirt I ran into a homeschooling friend in the store.   She spoke quite nicely with me, but the whole time she kept staring at my shirt.   I'm guessing she doesn't drink - which is fine with me.  I respect that very much.  It just made me think about the stereotype of a homeschool mom.  I don't think I fit the bill sometimes.  

4.  Speaking of my father-in-law - every few weeks he takes the kids for the morning to the barber shop to get haircuts.  It is their special time together.    This time they went for haircuts and then they helped with his grocery shopping.   While they were together I went to the library and reserved MANY books for our history reading and other good books I had read about in the Favorite Read-Alouds blog hop this week.  



All things swimming in this collage.   I've mentioned that both children take swimming lessons each summer.   I can always watch GMan's lessons.  Miss B's, however, are always a secret.  She is on a synchronized swimming team and their final performance is always a surprise.  So, no pictures of her swimming just YET.    This week the instructor focused a lot on their dives and flips.   It brings out the spirit of adventure in all of the boys.   I was watching them thinking, "God just MADE them to do this!".   Little boys are so much fun. 


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Reader Comments (13)

Oh my - we had the same playhouse! So many happy memories. It went to Nana's for a while and now some cousins are enjoying it. Love the action shots of swim lessons. And the precious time you described with your children. Thanks for hosting Mary!

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTricia

My boys have been learning to flip this week too (ages 5 and 8). It is such a boy thing!

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlice@Supratentorial

Looks like a wonderful week Mary! I think the t-shirt is great...I don't fit the stereotype either ;)
We passed our playhouse like yours on to some younger cousins a few years ago. Our children just grow so fast! Sometimes time seems to go so slowly, then before you know it, years have flown by!! I think spending that special time with each of our kids is so important.

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

No collage for me this week, but just wanted to stop in and say "hi'! I know what you mean about not fitting in the "homeschool mom box". Actually, we are blessed to be in a homeschool co-op of lots of "normal" women. We enjoy our occasional night out together for dinner, and there is almost always a drink involved. And Riesling is my FAV! I was never a wine drinker. But once I had Riesling, I became one. I have a glass once a week or so. I just love it. What is your favorite brand?

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend.


Great week Mary. You are right, they are growing so fast. I don't fit the 'homeschool Mama' stereotype either. I think there are more of us than I used to think though. ;)

LOVE the shirt!

Love the swimming pics! And loved hanging out with you in Google+ yesterday! I'm going to link up a bit later. Crazy busy week. Aren't they all??? Happy Friday.

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Yesterday we had our homeschool book club. I just love this so much. I love the relationships my girls are building. I love that they are talking about books with their friends. I love that they are thinking about books that they want to share with friends. I love this group of women so much. I felt so...great! all day. Like it, sing it from the rooftops great! But then it hit me that it's all girls will be grown, in college in a few years. I do hope that we keep this book club for longer than that--I think we can, if there is interest. I can completely relate to the sadness of children growing up.

We have talked about not fitting the stereotype. I don't either. I completely respect people who don't drink, but I do like a glass of wine or beer now and then.

I took pictures at book club yesterday and plan to make a collage. Right now we are just finishing up...the girls are doing thier math final exams and we have two more chapters of Story of the World...not that I want to rush through them...but I am thinking we are in the homestretch and we all need a break.

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTheresa

:) Not sure I fit the stereotype of a homeschool mom either. Love your shirt!

Great week! Love your collages, as always.

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

oh it's so true! I also have been feeling the growing pains! love the pool shots especially!!!

We have that playhouse, too! Ours is in the basement as the girls have also outgrown it. So nice that you got to have one on one time with the kids this week. Those are the things they will truly remember. :)

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

I don't fit the stereotype either, Mary ;P When it come to cooking healthy, homemade, organic, whole food meals, I'm just not there and not sure I ever will be. I am also lacking in the outdoorsy, nature walk department. In theory, I'd like to improve in both these areas, but in reality, I gotta be me ;) Anyway, love your blog, as always!

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie

It is bittersweet when our kids grow up! I know exactly how you felt this week! My oldest boys are going to be 36 and 33 in December and June and I still get misty eyed when I come across an old toy of theirs forgotten out in the yard or the old campfires that they built in the woods. Definitely enjoy them while they are still with you!

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSylvia Phillips

They do grow up so fast, don't they? That reality has been hitting me like a ton of bricks lately!

June 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie {See Jamie Blog}

I'm sure I'll feel the same nostalgia once I start decluttering the kids' stuff. And yes, time flies by much too quickly! Your family is so blessed to have grandparents close by! Those outings will be very precious memories to them. Have a terrific rest of the weekend!

June 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

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