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A Final Review - Dive Into Your Imagination

Our most recent review for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Review Crew is from Dive Into Your Imagination.  

The creator of this product, Annie Crawley, is an undersea photographer, dive instructor, and boat captain.  Her mission is to help children fall in love with the sea.   

Three DVD titles are available from Dive Into Your Imagination:

1.  Who Lives in The Sea?
2.  Dive Into Diversity
3.  What Makes a Fish a Fish?  


What Makes a Fish A Fish? (the video we reviewed) will teach your children all about amazing fish from all over the globe.  The DVD

 teaches children about astounding fish from around the world. How do fish take a bath? Learn the truth about sharks. Play hide and seek on the reef. The underwater realm provides boundless opportunities for parents to learn and laugh with their children. An upbeat original score celebrates the ocean and brings it to life.

The DVD (which runs approximately 40 minutes) is divided into 8 sections and teaches children all about different kinds of fish, fish anatomy, and also scuba diving.  Watch excerpts of the video at Dive Into Your Imagination.  

{ I thought the video was well done, although the beginning was a bit preschool-ish for my children.  Once we got past the first few minutes it was MUCH more interesting. }

Included with the purchase of a DVD is a HUGE .pdf file of educator guides that go with the DVD (I'm talking over 300 pages HUGE).   There are two sections (Pre-K/K and 1-3).  A WEALTH of information is held in these teacher guides, covering reading, science, math, social studies, and much more!  You can extend each section of the DVD with review questions and printable coloring pages, reading comprehension, and other activity sheets.

This is an entire curriculum based off of the DVD -- so much time and care has gone into these activities.  I was most impressed with the depth of activities included.  

The Basics:

What Makes a Fish A Fish? ~ $19.95
Educator Guides ~ $200/complete set OR $69.95/individual sets

* The good news is that now YOU can receive the educator guides for free with any purchase of a DVD.   As you order the DVD just mention you homeschool and the .pdf is yours!  

To read what my crew mates thought of this product, please visit the crew blog. 

*This is my last review for the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew.  I've very much enjoyed my time on the crew and am grateful for the opportunity to work with them for the past year.  Read my previous reviews to learn about other products we have tried.

I received this product as a member of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Review Crew.  No other compensation was received.  The opinions expressed in this review are mine alone. 


Reader Comments (1)

We enjoyed this dvd as well. I was really impressed with the educator's guides too.

May 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

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