Just How HARD Could This Be?

Please don't look at my cake too carefully. I thought the pin I saw of the Sunflower Peeps Cake was cute, and how hard could it be to make?
Let me tell you just how hard it could be:
1. Both cakes did NOT come out of the pan neatly (I floured the pans just like I usually do, too!).
2. That's ok, because I could just "frost" them back together.
3. I frosted the cake before I put it on the cake plate. Dumb move.
4. Moving the cake from the place where it was frosted to the cake plate was HILARIOUS! I literally had to yell for my son's help (he was the only one home) to come RUNNING to my aid before the cake fell apart as I was trying to transfer it to the cake plate.
5. I'm not the neatest baker in the world. Therefore, some of the Peeps have chocolate frosting on them. This is because my seven year old son was literally BEGGING me for Peeps while I was frosting the cake. Nothing is cuter than your sweet little boy with a chocolate frosted face eating Peeps. I love that kid.
So, here is my Sunflower Peeps Cake. It's cute, don't you think?
The most important thing is that I loved making it for my family and I hope it makes everyone smile at Easter dinner tomorrow.
{ I think I'll stick to blogging about homeschool matters, because I'm clearly not a food blogger! }
I'm also making these items to go with our Honey Baked Ham:
Add some potato salad and rolls and we're all set.
What does your family do for Easter dinner?
God's blessings to you for a joyous Resurrection Day!

Reader Comments (15)
Don't sell yourself short! It looks great! Everyone will appreciate your hard work! Happy Easter! He is Risen!
I think it looks great, just looks like a few peeps thought the cake looked good enough to eat :)
It's adorable!
And I will never be a food blogger either.
I think it turned out great!! Sounds a lot like many of my times in the kitchen. :)
I think your cake looks lovely! I saw it on another friend's blog last year and I don't think you could do a thing to make it look bad. Cute, cute, cute! And, you are doing fine with your food blogging.
The cake looks great!!
Many times the end result is much better than you think it will be while making it.
I think its great!!!!!!!! We made a cute bunny cake this week... I posted it on my blog on our weekly round up!! XOXO
Such a cute cake! You made me laugh with your description. :) Happy Easter!
The cake looks great!! Mine never come out of the pan cleanly either, never! I always have to fix them up with frosting. Happy Easter, your family will love it :)
Ha! I think it turned out great! And I'm totally going to try this! (I have some left-over peeps from last week when I decided it would be fun to microwave them with the kids!) Thanks for sharing!
LOL I made this too today actually. You will see my photo in my collage post.Yours looks great.
I think it came out great! Happy Easter!
Wow! I am impressed!! I can't even imagine what mine would have looked like!
The cake looks wonderful!
SUPER cute and I'll bet it's mighty yummy, too!