A New Series - I Need Help From YOU!

I'm so excited to be working on a 10 Days of Teaching Music series which will run for two weeks, starting next Monday!

Beginning next Monday, you will be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!
Look at all of the lovely ladies I get to work with and learn from!!
I do, however, NEED YOUR HELP!
I'd love to answer some readers' questions about teaching music. If you have any questions at all about how to incorporate music into your homeschool or what resources to use, please feel free to ask them in the comments. I am a degreed K-12 music teacher (I taught 10 years in the public schools) and private piano teacher and we love to incorporate music in our homeschool!!
I want this 10 Days of Teaching Music Series to be beneficial to YOU...

Reader Comments (3)
I am so excited about this Mary! I confess this is an area I want to do more with, but haven't a musical bone in my body. Composer study, no problem. Reading music notes, problem. I would love some "music theory" lessons. I bought something from Rod and Staff, but truthfully have not implemented it. It is a set of three workbooks.
Can't wait to read the posts when they start!
I don't have any questions or suggestions at the moment, but like Mary (above) music is a weak point for me. I am way beyond excited about reading your posts. :-)
We have been struggling with piano and guitar for a year now! AHHHH!!! My girls both play recorder from school and co-op and can read music. They just have no interest in lessons or practicing. we have been through 4 piano teachers and 2 guitar teachers in the last 8 months. The funny thing is, we make the decision, ok, fine you don't want lessons, you don't have to have them and a few weeks later, they are tapping on the piano keys, looking through the books or pulling out the guitar and looking in the book to teach themself a few chords. So, I try to be the good homeschool mom and find another teacher...but the girls have told me that they just want to do it on their own, in their own time...do you have any recommendations for self-teaching curriculum for kids who don't want lessons or a set schedule or mom to tell them to practice? They are seriously like the poster children for unschooling when it comes to this...give them a lesson, a book, something to practice and it takes the joy out of it...leave them alone and they are teaching themselves using the books their teachers (plural) gave them!