They've Been Having Fun Reading!

Every now and then I have a review that is truly WONDERFUL. Reading eggs has been just that. I will admit I was skeptical at first. My children already KNOW how to read. They both read very well.
Reading eggs (and Reading Eggspress), however, is for those learning to read, and for those who LOVE to read. We have thoroughly enjoyed Reading eggs; it has been a valuable addition to our homeschool for the past few weeks.
Reading eggs is an online reading program broken into two different parts:
Reading eggs: This portion is for children preschool-7 years of age (those not reading or pre-reading). It focuses on introductory activities for reading that are fun. Since my children are not in this age range we did not use this portion. If it is anything like the section we were using, however, it was well done, clever, engaging, and motivating.
Reading Eggspress: This section is for older children (all the way through middle grades) with hundreds of reading activities and games. My children LOVED this, so I wanted to share more about it with you.
The whole program consists of a floating island, where there are four different areas to choose from: The Gym, Stadium, Library and Apartment/Mall.
Once the reading level has been determined, your child is free to
In the Library there were activities that dealt with (obviously) books. Children are asked to make inferences from looking at a cover of a book in COVER STORY, they practice dictionary skills in DICTIONARY, and determine CAUSE AND EFFECT.
My daughter was learning about a book "Hitler's Daughter" - which sounded so interesting to her we ordered it for her Kindle!
The Gym offered activities to literally exercise their minds. One of the games I watched my children play was a memory game which they LOVED. As my little guy put it, "I get more eggs for doing stuff, so I'm going to play a lot!"
{The "eggs" can be used to purchase things in the apartment/mall.}
Here's the gym:
In the Stadium, students have a chance to compete against the computer or against or other students. Spelling, grammar, and other questions are completed in a race against others. This was also a favorite in my house.
Finally, the Apartment and Mall is the place all the kids want to be. This where you can customize your avatar , buy things with "eggs", visit the Trophy Room, get Trading Cards, and lots more!
The biggest thing I appreciated about Reading Eggspress was that it was comprehensive. In just a short review period I witnessed my children learning about the following:
grammar usage
dictionary skills
.... and much more!
Reading eggs/Eggspress is available for $75/year. It can also be purchased for 6 months ($49.95) or monthly ($9.95). See more details on their pricing page.
Book packs can also be purchased. The books were of particular interest to my daughter. It seems to me we could make an entire reading curriculum from this one resource.
You can sign up for a 14 day trial. I would highly recommend this. I think you might just be sold. There is also a lot more information on this page.
Any questions you might have are quickly answered by customer service. I had a question about my daughter's account and my email was answered within the hour.
* I don't often purchase items we have reviewed, simply because we have used them and then we've had enough. I'm strongly considering, however, purchasing this program because my children loved it so much and were learning a huge amount each time they sat at the computer.
It is also something that frees me up to do other things... which is always good if a mom isn't feeling well or just needs to fold the laundry!! For $75/year it might just be a good investment.
To find out more, visit the TOS Crew review blog to see what my crew mates thought.
Disclaimer:I received the above named product from TOS Crew in return for my honest review. I have not been compensated in any other form.

Reader Comments (3)
Sounds great! We're using Total Reader right now, but I think we'll sign up for the trial.
We really like Reading Eggs too...we've had it on and off at various points for several years now. If you keep an eye out, there are sometimes deals to be had. Homeschool Buyer's Co-op offered a deal last fall when I was buying it for my 4 year old, and I bought a subscription for my daughter to try Reading Express through a Plum District deal a few months ago.
Sounds like an interesting product! And how timely - as our annual tester said the only thing she'd suggest for us to work on were things that this game...or, um...product would certainly help with. :)