Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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The Best Birthday Cake Recipe


Is there just one tradition that you KNOW your children will remember for the rest of their lives?

A tradition they will want to carry into their own families one day when they are grown and gone? <sniff>

In our home it's as simple as a cake.

A disgustingly gooey, chocolatey, and wonderful cake.

Peppermint Poke Cake

There is a long history with this cake. 

 This year my son helped me make his cake.   

While we baked we talked about what makes this cake special: the memories we have with each year of enjoying it with family and friends.  

It's an easy recipe, so your children can help you bake.   That's a gift you can give them that doesn't cost a cent - your TIME.

I love the moment when the lights go off and the cake is shining brightly before the birthday child.   

It also makes me a little sad, too.   

Goodbye 7 year old.  Hello 8 year old - one year bigger and smarter. 


We highly recomment this cake reicpe.   

Hopefully my children will always want this as their birthday cake.  Wouldn't it be special if one day THEY are making Peppermint Poke Cake with THEIR CHILDREN?  

Is there a special tradition you have in your home for birthdays?  


*linking with Kids in the Kitchen

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