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Cooperation and Imagination: Toydle Fort Review

The blessings from the TOS homeschool crew never end!   We have been fortunate enough to receive a Toydle fort, which my children have thoroughly been enjoying for the past month. 

In December I did an initial review of the fort... if you missed it, I've reposted it for you here:

Did you ever spend hours as a child stringing up blankets between chairs, bunk beds, dressers, and anywhere else you could imagine?  I did!  I have many fond memories of putting my favorite blankets, umbrellas, and stuffed animals into my forts for hours of creative play. 

You know how sometimes you think your kids  have it so much better than you did?   I have a perfect example for you...

Fort making has been modernized, and I must say it's pretty cool!   

Meet the Toydle Fort.   The forts are made of the highest quality materials, being constructed with 29 inch PVC tubes and 3 inch wooden blocks.  You simply configure your fort the way you want, snap it together, then clip your own sheets and blankets into place for hours of fun.

The forts can be built in any way imaginable... if you are tight on space, just build UP.... if you have lots of room, feel free to spread out.    There are two Toydle forts, the Toydle Fort (which retails for $149), which offers 45 cubic feet of space, and the Big Toydle Fort, which doubles the size and retails for $229.  

The forts were developed by a father of twins who was tired of CHEAP toys that were always breaking.   The forts are also manufactured 100% in the USA... I love that!

To back up their claims that their forts are the most durable EVER, Toydle offers an UNLIMITED warrantee.  

You can connect with Toydle via their website, and also find them on Facebook and Twitter

SO.... What are our thoughts about the fort??

We were given the smaller fort (which sells for $149) to review.  

I love the bag it comes in -- yes, it is VERY heavy, but you can take this bag and transport it anywhere.   We already have plans to take it to a friend's house so they can play with it, too!!  

The wood pieces and PVC pipes are sturdy and easy to work with.   The clips given for the sheets worked very well (although I wish they came with more!).   My daughter discovered large hair clips hold the sheets, too!  

My children can easily construct this ALONE.   In fact, one day while I was giving lessons in my studio downstairs, the children were upstairs remaking the fort all on their own.    They were planning, cooperating, and having fun!  

As you can see from the pictures (pardon my Christmas boxes!), the fort is HUGE.    It took up a large portion of our bonus room.   The kids have also made smaller forts, but really like the large fort they made initially.   Unless you have a huge space with nothing in it, you might have trouble finding space for the fort!   

We LOVE our Toydle Fort... endless hours have been spent in it this Christmas, drinking hot chocolate and watching Netflix movies!  The kids also took stuffed animals, books, etc... in and made it their own haven.   

For $149, if you plan on using it a lot, I would say it is a great value!  

Some of my fellow crew mates are also reviewing the Toydle Fort.  You can read their reviews here.  


Disclaimer:  I received the above named product from TOS Crew in return for my honest review. I have not been compensated in any other form.


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