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Read-Aloud Thursday - Do You Know Crinkleroot?

Image Courtesy

This week we have been reading Crinkleroot's Guide To Knowing The Birds.    Have you read any of the Crinkleroot books with your children?  We discovered them last year and have read several since.    The lovable woodsman, Crinkleroot gently guides children on all things nature!  One day we even made a whole field trip based around Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing the Trees.  We just went to a trail area with our book and stopped to read throughout our hike - I think it was one of our most memorable homeschooling days!  

Our local library has the books available, and I actually bought one from Amazon.  They seem fairly rare, however, so if you ever see one at a book sale you should probably snag it!  The Crinkleroot website also has a lot of resources, including coloring pages of all the animals Crinkleroot thinks children should know.  

The best way I can describe these books is whimsical, sweet, and engaging.  We found out so many interesting things about birds by reading Guide To Knowing the Birds.   Author Jim Arnosky shows budding naturalists how to get started in the world of birdwatching.  We learned about birds that are year round residents, and those that migrate.  We also learned about that males generally have brighter markings than females, and we saw the actual size of a hummingbird, its nest, and eggs.  

You really need to aquaint yourself with Crinkleroot -- you won't be sorry you did! 

** (Of course, since it is Read-Aloud Thursday I have to mention that we are also reading Childhood of Famous Americans:  Betsy Ross  and we found a fabulous picture book, The Loathsome Dragon.) ** 

As always, I'm linking with Amy at Hope is the Word for Read Aloud Thursday! 


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