Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Early Morning Creativity

Every morning at 7 a.m. it's the same routine.   I am drying my hair in my bathroom, and a very cute, toothless six year old boy enters my bathroom with his blankie and a tub of Legos.   

He builds mini figures for me while I get ready.... he gives them names and makes us stories about them.  They set up camp all around my husband's sink and talk to themselves in the mirror.   

This is the alien, spear-carrying cheerleader.  Interesting...

This is the Mexican Maraca Man - don't you love it?

The guy on the right is saying, "I'm going to get you with my sword after I have my coffee!".

Some mornings the mini figures follow me downstairs and sit on the island while I'm making breakfast.   One day when my precious boy is grown I KNOW I will miss these days.  My heart aches just thinking about it.  For now, I'm going to savor all of this creativity!


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