Read-Aloud Thursday: Wisconsin and The Whipping Boy!

I'm finding more and more that I need guidance choosing the books we read. There are so many good books out there, but I just want to read the BEST. When you think about it, we have our children for such a short time. I want to make their education COUNT by providing them with the most beautiful, thought-provoking literature possible!
This week's installment of Read Aloud Thursday features our favorite picture and chapter book of the week. Enjoy!
Earlier this week I posted about the beginning of our 50 State Study. I looked for books about the state of Wisconsin (our state this week) and we found this excellent book, which we fortunately could get on reserve at our local library. The Legend of Wisconsin is a legend about the Giant Hare, Nanabush, and how Wisconsin got many of its natural features. We found ourselves going to the map to see the Great Lakes that surround Wisconsin and also looking up pictures natural Wisconsin. We thoroughly enjoyed this book; it was a good supplement to our state study.
We also listened to a book on CD over the past week - The Whipping Boy. If you've never listened to/read this short Newberry Award book by Sid Fleischman, you really should. Prince Horace is spoiled rotten and there is a rule in the kingdom that it is unlawful to spank the prince. So, instead of spanking him, they bring in a "Whipping Boy" to receive the spankings! From the get-go this outraged my children, and the rest of the book keeps their attention just as well! The bratty prince and his whipping boy change places after getting mixed up with some shady characters, and the story continues!
As always, I enjoying linking to Amy at Hope is The Word for Read-Aloud Thursday!

Reader Comments (1)
Both of these are new to me, although I was aware of The Whipping Boy. That sounds like one my girls would really like. I don't have Sarah Clarkson's book, mainly because I have several like it (I.e. Honey for a Child's Heart) and have always wondered if it is different enough to warrant purchasing. I do so appreciate her parents' ministry, though! I'm off to read the interview.