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The Big Orange Splot: Read-Aloud Thursday

In all of our beautiful chapter book reading the past few weeks, I feel like we've lost sight of the fact that we have a six year old (and a 10 year old for that matter!) who still love picture books!   I'm making an effort to pull at least one of our favorites each day to read to them.   This time spent with my children is such a gift for all of us. 

The book to share this week for Read-Aloud Thursday is a KEEPER.    We've had this one for a couple of years, but just recently pulled it out and read it again.  It was given to me by my older sister - it was a favorite of her son's when he was growing up.   Now, it's one of our favorites, too.    It's worth purchasing, or at the very least checking out of your local library!

 The Big Orange Splot is a wonderful story about the importance of being true to yourself. (click on the link to watch a very cute reading of the book on Youtube!) When a Big Orange Splot is found on Mr. Plumbean's house (dropped there by a seagull carrying a can of orange paint!), Mr. Plumbean takes the opportunity not to repaint his house to look like everyone else's, but to paint the house of his dreams!    Eventually, he inspires all of his neighbors to do the same!

We had a talk about being individuals and how it is important to stay true to yourself and not just do something because it's the "in" thing or what's "cool".   

The book, written by Daniel Pinkwater in 1977, is still available.   I found it on Amazon for $4.99 in case you're interested!    Wouldn't it be fun to read the book to your children and then have them draw the house of THEIR dreams??  I'm thinking we might have to give this a try. 

~ Linking up to Amy @ Hope is the Word for Read-Aloud Thursday


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