Beyond Five In A Row: Thomas Edison

The book we chose was Thomas Edison, Young Inventor. As we read through each chapter (usually at lunch each day) I would read a little bit from the teacher's guide as well. Some of the things we learned:
I would highly recommend purchasing (or obtaining from the library) the FIAR manual! It has so many valuable cross curricular ideas and bits of information I had not even thought about. I cannot tell you how much I learned about Edison in this study!
Homeschool Share has some wonderful lapbook pieces for this if you are going to spend a lot of time on Thomas Edison. Our goal this summer was just to expose the children to good books and lots of reading -- I tried to keep things simple so we eliminated paper and projects!
Next up for us in Beyond FIAR: Betsy Ross, Designer of our Flag!

Reader Comments (1)
This is similar to the approach I'm taking with our geography atudies-- lots and lots of reading! I lloves doing Before FIAR and FIAR , but I don't have Beyond. It sounds like I need to get a copy.