Music, Music, Everywhere!!

This week we're all participating in a Fine Arts/Music camp. Miss B and GMan are campers, and I am teaching three sections of recorder classes each day. It is a circus themed week. GMan's group is just half day, and he gets lots of movement, art and music. Miss B's camp is full day and she gets choir, art, handbells, conducting, dance, recorders, and several guest performances.

I wanted to tell you about the recorder portion because I'm so excited to be teaching this. We are doing Recorder Karate, which is essentially learning pieces on the recorder, and when students play a certain piece correctly they earn a specific "belt" to go around the end of their recorder. It is the first time I have taught this program and I must say I am IMPRESSED!
We are working on note reading, fingering, good tone quality, rhythms, etc... There are so many decisions to be made per second. I cannot stress enough what a valuable skill music making is for everyone! It is also a great chance for me to teach music to groups of children again (this is what my profession used to be before I had my children). I enjoy it so much! I have a section of 2nd and 3rd graders, 4th and 5th graders, and 6th and 7th graders. On Friday the week will culminate with a performance, which is always a lot of fun.
The camp is in midtown Atlanta and we live nearly an hour outside of the city. So, each morning at 7:30 a.m. we leave our house and go to camp.... I come home at half day with GMan and thankfully my husband (who works downtown) picks Miss B and her friend up each afternoon. I think it's a great experience for all of us ~ I'm grateful to have the opportunity.
This morning we heard a professional percussionist perform.... he let the children make music with him, introduced them to different types of music, and just let them have FUN. I think their favorite thing was the Limbo!

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