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Why I Homeschool...

Photobucket Someone once told me it's good to write from your heart your reasons for homeschooling when you first start - and then look back on this each year.   In today's post that is exactly what I am doing.  This is a post from July 6, 2010.   None of my feelings have changed.  In fact, they have only grown stronger over the past year.  

I don't mean to offend by speaking poorly of the public schools - I realize from my own experience that it is difficult to affect change in the bureaucracy we call public education.   I know so many well intentioned and hard working teachers and administrators, and my hats are off to them.   

Here is what was on this Thinking Mother's heart a year ago.... does it resonate with you? .....   to read the rest, please head over to my other home on the web, Three Thinking Mothers.  


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