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Things I've Been Meaning To Do....

I wanted to have some fun with a post, and when I saw the link-up with I'm a Lazy Mom I found just the thing!     Don't let the name of her blog fool you - if you visit her site you will know exactly how she comes up with the title, and I think it's pretty clever.   The first Monday of each month Stacey blogs about things that she's been meaning to do.... this week it happens to be in her car. I love her honesty and I'm hoping I can be a little more "honest" in my day-to-day posts.  

Often I read blogs and think "Wow, that person really has it together!"  Or, I see pictures of someone's home and am envious of their cleaning abilities, organizational skills and mothering accomplishments.  But let's get real - we all have places we avoid in our homes, our lives, etc...    So, here's my "Things I've Been Meaning To Do" list, and I think I'll actually DO THEM this week just to prove it to myself I CAN!

NUMBER 1:     Pick up this pile of JUNK in the corner by my dining room hutch.   Let's see... empty shipping boxes, clean placemats, and a broken picture frame.  

NUMBER 2:    Actually make something with these chips and pie crust.  They have been in my pantry for several months (and yes, they are still good - I checked the expiration date!).  I know that once I had a fabulous recipe in mind but I have no clue what it was.

NUMBER 3:    Clean out under the island in my kitchen.  Now, it may not look so bad, but if I want to get at something in the back it is impossible.   The doors don't even close all the way, and the only things I really use in here are the slow cooker and the mixer.  The rest I.CAN.GIVE.AWAY.

NUMBER 4:    Get the crud off of the stairs!  Why have these same books, shoe box of trinkets, and bag of yarn been sitting here for at least the past month?    Why does EVERYONE walk past it each and every day?  Beats me.   Come on - I know you have an area in your home like this, don't you?

NUMBER 5:   Clean out this drawer in my kitchen.  It's supposed to house pens, pencils, etc...    Instead, it has become home to confetti, shampoo samples, finger paints, a plastic easter egg, and a calculator.     I know they call it a "junk drawer" for a reason - but I think this is a little over the top.  

How about you?   Is there something you've really been meaning to get to but are just too lazy??   Join me and either link up your post today or just leave me a comment and tell me all about it.    Let's all air our dirty laundry and BE PROUD OF IT!


Reader Comments (10)

I. LOVE. IT. All of it! But number four made me laugh and feel better about myself! See??? That's the whole point of my blog!!!

Plus you get 50,000 bonus points for totally getting the lazy mom concept and posting about it at the beginning of your post!!

The Lazy Mom wuz here.

May 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStacey

your stairs are all so nicely vacuumed....

I guess I'll tackle my sink tomorrow.... need to get by reading done tonight....

May 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

Ha! We always have junk on our stairs! Why doesn't anyone ever pick it up??!! Good luck with your to-do list this week.

This week I WILL clean out the cabinet above the desk in the kitchen. It was nice and organized once upon a time, but now it looks like a junk drawer has exploded in it!

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim

I need to go through things once and for all and sort: keep, sell, pitch.

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSpecial K

I love this!

Same about the stairs.

I've been working on the winter/spring switch up with the clothes for 2 weeks...time to finish it up once and for all!

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaria

I Love this!!! I want to do this too!!! I have so many areas like this!!!

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTheresa

I must say that a couple drawers/cupboards came to mind as I read your post. Good thing this is "Declutter the Kitchen" month. (I use I will take a picture and post at lunch. You'll feel much better, I'm sure! :)

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

We totally have a bin on the stairs that gets passed by dozens of times a day! And there are a bunch of things (big things) by the foyer that my parents brought out recently from my grandmother's house (after she passed away) that have been sitting there for weeks. Ugh. Isn't it amazing how you literally don't see them anymore after a while??

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

I need to clean out the closets in the guest room. I bet there are treasures in them that I have forgetten about.

May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJDaniel4's Mom

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