Look What the UPS Man Brought Me!

My own copy of Handbook of Nature Study arrived today! Is it wrong to want to make everyone fend for themselves for dinner, ignore baths and storytime and just sit and read myself? If there's one thing I have realized in the past two years it is how little I know! Homeschooling is a humbling experience, and one I am so grateful to have.
A friend of mine whom I admire very much loaned me her copy of A Pocketful of Pinecones. I have loved every minute of this sweet book, and it is inspiring me to be a better mother and seeker of knowledge - specifically knowledge of our natural world. Handbook of Nature Study was mentioned so many times throughout the book, so I invested in my own copy. What a treasure.
Have you read these books? Do you use a nature study guide that you particularly love? I'm trying to learn as much as possible, so please share with me!
Linking up today with A Bokros Kind of Life and Hip Homeschool Moms.

Reader Comments (8)
I have those two books, though Makayla usually hides the Handbook of Nature Study on her bookshelves in the girls' bedroom. I also have the sequal to Pocketfull of Pinecones - Lessons at Blackberry Inn. It's another great read!
Have you seen the NaturExplorers units at Shining Dawn Books? Those have so many ideas in them that you can do months of study with one, or use it several years in a row and choose different activities each time(plus notebook pages to print, literature lists to go along with the topic, etc). I have Constant Conifers and just bought Beautiful Birds and Captivating Clouds from them. They are all on sale for another week or two.
Oh my gosh I didn't know there was a sequel to Pocketful of Pinecones. I am checking my library RIGHT NOW for it! I always wondered about their new baby!
I am also using the NaturExplorers Easter notebooks.
Enjoy your books!
Love getting new books. It is so hard not to be able to sit down and immediately start reading. Hope you are able to get in some reading time soon. Stopping by from HHH.
Love! Love! both of those books. You have to read Lessons at Blackberry Inn when you are done with Pocketful of Pinecones. We use the Handbook of Nature study as a stand alone with some lovely picture books thrown in for good measure.
ohhh! I've never heard of those. I am looking for something for summer...more relaxed, laid back, fun but still learning...a nature study might be perfect.
I just got a grant to order homeschool materials for our library consortium. I will only order things that others may use as well...I am going to look into these!
I really enjoyed "Pocketful of Pinecones" when I read it. We own "The Handbook of Nature Study" and get a lot of use from it.
Happy reading! I LOVE when the UPS man brings me new books :)
you always make me giggle!!
You should take a look at my recent post on "How To Teach Science." I could never get into the "Handbook of Nature Study" but we did do a lot of nature studies mainly through 4-H.
I am a home-schooler in my third DECADE of home-schooling (oh my!) and I came over from the Hip Homeschool Hop.