If I Knew I Could, I Would..... Five Minute Friday
Friday, April 29, 2011 at 9:39AM
Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
We throw caution (editing, revising, and worrying) to the winds and just write. Without wondering if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat.
Today's topic is.... "If I Knew I Could, I Would..."
... have so much more discipline in my life. Being home with my children all day lends to a certain amount of discipline and routine, but I'm talking spiritual, emotional and physical discipline. How can I be one of those moms who homeschools, keeps a smoothly running house, staying physically fit, and still manages to encourage others?
If had I this disciple I KNOW I could do greater things with my life - things I feel God has placed it on my heart to do. I love encouraging others, sharing ideas and interacting with other homeschool moms.
Recently I've felt the pressure of the "popularity contest" in this funny thing called the blogosphere, Twitter, etc... is getting in the way of what I know I CAN do. The people I serve are living right under my own roof, not inside of my computer. If I knew I could, I would completely tune out the noise of negativity and jealousy.
I am feeling the tug to PRIORITIZE and just do what is worthy for my family, myself and my GOD.
If I knew I could I would do bigger things in the areas of homeschool curriculum and instruction, what I really LOVE. While I'm writing (with just one minute left!) I feel that I need to make it my goal to take hold of my life and set some GOALS.
Thankfully, I have a God that hears prayers and answers according to His purpose for my life. How awesome is that? thankful for Five Minute Friday - it just gave me much needed clarity!
*Linking up today with The Gypsy Mama -- thank you for Five Minute Friday!
Reader Comments (5)
Wow! Wish my brain would roll everything out like you just did. You wrote what is in my heart too. I homeschool, and face the same struggles. Thanks for sharing. Your newest follower. Hope you visit me sometime.
I'm also a homeschooling, busy mom. You know, I think if you were perfect...that one who ran the perfect homeschool, had the smoothly running home, and managed to always be physically fit and neatly put together, I'm not sure you'd be able to fulfill your desire to be an encouragement. Isn't it this image, this ideal, that often discourages us?
I think we are most encouraging to each other when we share our realities, when we love one another despite our failings and stop comparing ourselves to each other...when we reach out to another mom because we've been there and had one of those days too...when we forget all the expectations of school and the house, but spend the day laughing and playing with our kids...forgetting the healthy dinner, but have hotdogs over a fire instead. I think it's our character of handling our imperfections that make us an encouragement to one another.
I really enjoyed your point on prioritizing. I find myself often there, thinking on what is truly important and am I making sure to live there. Thanks for a thought-provoking post.
Yep, I'm failing on the exercise/healthier me front completely. Sigh.
And I have to be honest, God is tugging on my heart to let go of the daily blogging and disconnect from the computer. I don't do any social media sites, but I still am on the computer daily with blogging and checking out others' blogs. I think things are going to be changing as my time with the TOS Homeschool Crew ends and reviews slow down. Being totally honest - I'm a bit resistant to the idea. But I know that God is pulling me that direction, so right now I'm trying to finish up commitments and see what exactly He wants me to change.
Great post!
"I am feeling the tug to PRIORITIZE and just do what is worthy for my family, myself and my GOD."
Love this!
prioritizing is one of the hardest things for me. i find that there are a lot of things high on my list that shouldn't be and others that should be near the top that are on the bottom of the list. tough stuff!