
We both got a good laugh out of her crumpled scale sheet. I told her I felt like doing that with many things in my life, and I was happy to make her another copy so we could start over and try again this week. That crumpled piece of paper got me thinking - about homeschooling. My children can have the opportunity to try and fail as many times as they want, in the safety and security of their own homes. They can learn that, as the above quote states, "Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." They can struggle with concepts and ideas, not bullies and curriculum that just don't work for them.
I homeschool not to produce the smartest, highest achieving children in the neighborhood, but to give them solid VALUES and CHARACTER. I homeschool so they can realize their God given potential.
It's funny the things I learned from my lesson with Olivia, and her crumpled C Scale.
*Linking up today with Some Girls Website.
Reader Comments (4)
What a great lesson for us all! There are some days when I feel like crumpling up the 'scales'.
Have a great night,
That picture is a great metaphor for us homeschooling families! I love it! Thanks for sharing the story with us. I hope Olivia pushes through this challenge and also grows from the experience!
I don't know if I have ever read that quote before...but the truth in it! I want to share it with my oldest son, who has been tiring of Latin lately. As he works his way through this subject, he is learning perserverence and diligence...two values we are so thankful to help cultivate in him.
Oh, the scales! If there is anything in this world that will teach perseverance, it is the mighty scale book. Sheridan's TaeKwonDo studio stresses perseverance, also. The students all know that perseverance is trying something new at least 100 times and quitting is never an option. I believe that if you go by that maxim then anyone, but especially children, will attain their God given potential.