School on Vacation? - Part II

Yesterday, I told you about some "school" we did while on vacation... a little beach time and some learning about shells. On a whim, we decided to go on an adventure after we left grandma and grandpa's house in SW Florida. Can you guess where we went?
That's right! We went to see the last launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery. I wish I could tell you the picture above is from my camera, but alas, we could not get THAT close. We did, however, make it to Titusville, FL - otherwise known as the "Space Coast" - and joined the throng of 40,000 other space fans to see the launch.
We had studied space extensively back in the fall, so this was a great follow-up for us. The pilot of the shuttle, Captain Eric Boe, is also from Georgia (he is an alum of my husband's school system, and received his Master's degree from GA Tech).
Not only was it a great lesson about the space shuttle, but it was also an EXCELLENT lesson in patience - we waited in traffic several hours around Disney World and then again nearing the space coast, and we waited in our van THREE HOURS to get out of Titusville. We REALLY love each other now. Eeek. That's a long time in a van when you're not moving.
GMan and Miss B waiting for the shuttle to take off.
Our view - you can see Kennedy Space Center in the distance, and the launchpad is on the left.
This is the picture my husband snapped after take off - we didn't want to be behind a camera when it took off, and so many people had told us to enjoy the moment - we could see plenty of professional pictures of it anyway!
And, here are some weary travelers right after lift off. I love how you can still see the smoke trail in the background.
It was a most awesome experience for all of us - one I am sure we will all look back on and say "I remember when I went to see the space shuttle!". I think it qualified as a "school day" - what do you think?
*This post is linked to the Hip Homeschool Hop!

Reader Comments (11)
That was a school day, FOR SURE!!
What an awesome experience.
WOW Mary that is still very exciting! Good for you all!
PS - Get that breadmaker started sista!
Definitely a school day! That looks like a lot of fun, worth all that "together" time in the van.
Cheryl, yes - worth the "together" time in the van! BTW, G was quite saddened by the fact that Darcy wasn't in church yesterday. It almost resulted in tears. What's up with that? :-)
What precious memories! We just caught the "tail" end of it.
Blessings," rel="nofollow">Lana @ ilovemy5kids
Very cool you got to see that, long wait and all. We tried last Fall, but the launch was postponed so many times we missed it. And yes, that was definitely school!
What a wonderful day, wait time and all. I am sure they will always remember it.
Mary what an amazing experience for all of you! I would have to say that is probably one of the best school days ever. The last picture of you with the kids is great. I had to laugh because you all look so warm in your summer clothes and I am here wearing long pants and a sweatshirt, drinking hot tea. Great post. Have a wonderful day.
WoW! Awesome, I would have loved to have my children see the launch, what a great experience for your children. I'm stopping by from HHH. Have a great day!
What a great experience. It will definately be something they remember and I agree it was worth all the together time.
How great that you were able to go! I'm sure it's something your kids will always remember.