Our Week in Photo Collage and Many Links

I love making collages of our weeks... I can look back and see what we did accomplish and what the highlights were! Hopefully I will provide you with some helpful links, too!
1. We did a lot with Snowmen this week. It started off with a devotion from Keys for Kids (we use their free daily devotion booklets and love them) that challenged the children to make unique snowmen. We mailed them to CBH Ministries afterwards. We're also participating in the Christmas book activities with Nicole at Journey to Excellence and read Snowmen at Christmas and another book we already had, Snowpeople. Click here to read it online - it's a cute story!
2. Lots of hot chocolate this week ~ finally a cold snap here in Georgia!
3. Oh my! Our Toydle fort (which we are reviewing for The Old Schoolhouse) came and we put it together... the construction process was a learning project and the kids had a BLAST!
4. Lots of math this week - FAVORITE RESOURCE this week was the Math Adventure Series - we read two of the books, Sir Cumference and the First Round Table and Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland. These books tied in perfectly with our studies about geometry this week. The terms RADIUS, CIRCUMFERENCE, DIAMETER, PARALLEL and lots of others are ingrained in my children's memories. I highly recommend these living math books! We also used a lot of our geometric shape manipulatives, too.
5. The Christmas tree w/out decorations... we got it up last weekend and now I'm happy to report it is decorated! We are putting it in our music room this year (to free up space in our living room) and I love the way the lights reflect off of the piano. I've also been spending a lot of time in this room singing carols with the kids using Christmas Carols for a Kids Heart.
6. I received a lovely care package (which I won during a recent series) from my sweet friend, Christine, at Fruit In Season. She is a lovely person, and if you're not familiar with her blog, you should be!
7. Oh dear. More Legos. This time an adorable minifigure (I could not resist this one at the grocery store. I have the word "SUCKER" stamped on my forehead.). To say my son is obsessed with Legos is putting it mildly. Next week, to celebrate his seventh birthday we are taking he and a friend to the Lego store just north of Atlanta. He is SO excited!
8. Our Names of Jesus Advent Chain from Maureen at Spell Outloud. It's a simple, meaningful Advent activity for us.
9. I'm so thankful my children are home with me during the week to decorate the tree and celebrate Advent in such a meaningful way. I look back to their days in school - the inundation of commercialism and Santa - and it makes me sad I wasted that time. All I can do is look forward and make every moment count from now on!
I hope everyone had a wonderful week!!
Participating in these link ups:
at learning ALL the time!!

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