Trying to Reconcile It All - Five Minute Friday

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, Miss B went to the computer and made some "embellishments" for our Thanksgiving table. I love her spirit. She captured what the day was all about. "Be Thankful..."

I love linking with The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday:
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Today's word is GRATEFUL:
I'm grateful for so many things... and not just because it was Thanksgiving this week.
During the past few weeks I have witnessed (up close and personal) a family coming apart at the seams. I have witnessed streets lined with homeless. I have witnessed Occupy tents. I have witnessed so much brokenness in our world and it has, in all truthfulness, made me question WHY our world is so full of terrible things.
Of course, I do know the answer to that question. It all started in the garden -- Adam & Eve...
After witnessing these things I then think of my precious family... I have a loving husband and two healthy, happy children. I have siblings and parents who love me.
I have the freedom to stay home and homeschool my children. My husband has a job. We live in a nice home in a safe neighborhood. My car is paid for. We have food in the refrigerator. We have a church home we love.
How do I reconcile all of this good with the bad I have witnessed? I'm not sure I know the answer to that. This is why I write -- to process the things I see each day, to make sense of it all.
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