Learning Latin With First Form Latin

The focus of the First Form Series is the Latin grammar and a small, usable vocabulary... Weekly quizzes, cumulative tests, flashcards, an audio, and DVD provide the teacher or homeschooler with everything needed to be successful.
There are so many benefits to learning Latin, it is difficult to know where to start. I truly believe that Latin has more educational value than any other subject you can study. Here are a few things you will learn from Latin - the roots of English words, the roots of Western Civilization, how to think critically and logically, how to analyze, contrast, and compare, how to understand language, grammar, and words with a depth unknown to those who have never had the privilege of studying Latin..... It is a privilege to study Latin, and I encourage you to work hard and make the most of this opportunity and every opportunity that comes to you in life.
What is included in First Form Latin? We received:
- Teacher Manual
- Student Text
- Student Workbook
- Quizzes and Tests
- Pronunciation Audio CD
- Flashcards
- Instructional DVDs (want to see a sample of the DVD?? Visit Memoria's website!)
What will your child learn in First Form Latin?
Grammar forms and vocabulary are the emphasis in this text. It can be a beginning Latin program for ANYONE ages 5th grade and up, or it can be a follow up to Latina Christina I at any age. See the contents of the program here.
You can view a sample lesson from the student lesson book here, and a sample from the teacher's book here. The teacher's book includes an exact replica of the student book, with additional notes. I could easily refer my daughter to the page we were on and know exactly what she was seeing in her book. I LIKED THIS!
What were our impressions?
- This is not a program where you can expect to pop in the DVD and have your child learn Latin on their own! You should be there with them; you are also the student. Perhaps an older student could use this program by themselves, but I needed to be there learning alongside my daughter.
- Initially it seemed quite difficult, and I do believe that fifth grade would be the youngest you would start a beginner. We had no prior Latin experience. My fifth grader is a bit overwhelmed with the pace right now (there are a lot of workbook exercises, but I can see how this repetition leads to MASTERY), but each lesson gets a little easier.
- The DVD instruction was quite helpful. The instructor (Glen Moore) was funny, easy to understand, and moved at a pretty good pace (although the pause button was our friend in the beginning!). I was having trouble with some of the recitations, but following the DVD was immensely helpful. We also found the same to be true with the audio CD. If you are expecting bells and whistles in the DVD, there are none. I believe this is in keeping with the rigorous expectations of learning Latin.
- We took a 45 minute chunk for each of the lessons. (We committed to three lessons each week... and will continue this after our review.) I worked on a white board, while my daughter worked in the workbook. There were 4-6 pages of workbook exercises per lesson. I LOVED the fact that answers were clearly given in the Teacher Manual!
- The predictability and consistency make this program effective. Students memorize by reciting aloud, and also writing several times. It is rigorous, but makes perfect sense.
- Latin is not for the faint of heart. If you are going to study Latin and use this program, be prepared to COMMIT to learning the language and spending time doing so.
- The rewards of learning Latin are HUGE! I feel this is rounding out our classical education; it gives us a deeper understanding of words and their roots, and encourages my daughter to think more scholarly.

Disclaimer: I received the above named product from TOS Crew in return for my honest review. I have not been compensated in any other form.
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