If you're looking for an interesting documentary about the birth of our nation, you should check out the History Channel today. We are taping "America, The Story of Us" all day today and I hope to use this in our study of the Revolutionary War and then with the Pioneers moving westward as well. It really is amazing that we won the war against the British, and just the little bit I have seen of the show today does an excellent job demonstrating this.
This morning's devotion was about a freedom that is available to all people of the world, no matter what country you live in. This freedom comes from Christ Jesus and should be celebrated even more loudly than fireworks on the Fourth of July. So, while we are celebrating the birth of our nation today, let's not forget Christ's birth and the ultimate freedom we have through his love and death on the cross.
May your celebrations be loud, joyful, and safe -- both in celebrating the birth of our nation, and the freedom we have through Christ Jesus!

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