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Sharks, Sharks, Sharks!

This week we have been taking the California Achievement Test, so I wanted the rest of our school activities to be fun and stress free. In our "Mysteries and Marvels of Nature" book we had come across a section about sharks that seemed to fascinate both kids. So, I hopped online and did some research.

I found a really cute lapbook about The Magic School Bus book, "The Great Shark Escape". I ordered the book on Amazon and it seemed to be right at a level where both my eight and five year old could enjoy it. (On a side note, two years ago we bought the Amazon Prime Membership, which ensures you get free shipping on qualifying items. Most items do qualify, and we get two day shipping for free. This has been a great investment!) This morning after testing I just gave my daughter a ziploc bag which contained the lapbook directions and all of the minibook supplies she would need. She did the first 10 books in about 45 minutes and learned a whole lot about sharks in the process!

Tomorrow after testing I have some shark books we checked out from the library and I will also let Anna play on the Scholastic Magic School Bus site. These books seem like a great way for me to do unit studies about science that will appeal to both of my children. Check them out!

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