Science Sunday - Louis Pasteur

It's funny how lessons develop in our house.
We loved the Value Tales book about Louis Pasteur - Believing in Yourself. We also have the Value Tales book about Will Rogers - The Value of Humor. These books are so well done and offer a glimpse into the young lives of famous people - and then offer very interesting in depth information at the end of each story.
You can see the entire treasure by clicking here.
After reading the Louis Pasteur book, we decided to look up more about this scientist. It turns out his first work wasn't done with milk - it was done with BEER.
This video about The History of Pasteurization from The History Channel is very interesting:
“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” ~ Pasteur
I've downloaded a unit study about Pasteur which we will work on this week while my children are interested in this. I loved going to the grocery store last week and it was like they had seen someone famous when they saw the words "Pasteurized Milk" on the milk we were buying!
This has been such an effective study of a famous scientist already, and I can't wait to extend it just a little further. {Hopefully I'll be back next Sunday with a report on how this unit study went!}
I love the many little rabbit trails homeschooling lets us explore... there's just so much to learn!
What's been going on with science in your homeschool recently?
Happily Linking with Ticia!
What's been going on with science in your homeschool recently?
Happily Linking with Ticia!

Reader Comments (7)
Don't you just love when some unplanned for tidbit sets off a fun trail of learning?! :) Looks like some great resources you have listed here for learning about Pasteur!
Love it! I also love Chick-Fil-A!!!
We once got a book from Chick-Fil-A when Katie was preschool age and she loved it. I can't remember now what it was about, but it was a factual book, too. That sounds like a great unit to do.
Dawson did some interest led studying of Louis Pasteur. He was very fascinated with him.
We have those Value books - I devoured them as a child, and now I have them for my girls :) Thanks for a fun memory!
Ok, I'll go back and read the post in a moment, but VALUE TALES are the free book at Chik Fil A right now? I have to go there ASAP! I have all of those books from when I was a kid and read them WAY too many times growing up!
All right, now I need to go back and read your post.
Oh, and since I might get distracted from commenting again, thanks for linking up again!
I remember those books too. I wonder if you can find the entire set of them? eBay? And I LOVE finding videos to go along with our learning. Isn't the internet amazing?