Surrounding Ourselves With Beauty

Homeschool Day at The High Museum of Art in Atlanta was an afternoon of amazement and wonder. How many children get to bask in the glory of works by Picasso, Matisse, Warhol, Johns, Pollack, and other modern masters?
We are taking advantage of this exhibit this year and studying modern art in our homeschool. Our artists include Picasso, Matisse, Mondrian, Calder, Pollock, and Warhol.
Miss B just about died when she saw Warhol's Campbell's soup cans... did you know there are actually 32 of them? That's how many different kinds of soup there were when he painted them.
We also learned that Jasper Johns is a native of Georgia. His interest in maps and numbers was intriguing.
Here's GMan taking in a Picasso - the audio tour at the museum was wonderful. Special numbers by the paintings let the children know if there were audio selections just for them - the audio was engaging, funny, and memorable.
Look at all the children wandering the gallery... each with their headsets and a look of wonder in their eyes.
Here is Miss B learning about Chirico's "Love Song"... we are so fortunate to be able to take advantage of this opportunity!
After we went through the exhibit, we headed to the education wing for the Picasso activities. Each homeschool day this year, the museum will focus on a different modern artist. In keeping with Picasso's paintings, the children were encouraged to either sketch their own faces or make up a face. We had completed our own art activity, "Fractured Faces" just two weeks ago!
After they were finished creating, they were free to relax and read some books about Picasso.
How do you study art in your homeschool? Do you have a specific curriculum or do you piece it together?

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