The Homeschool Mother's Journal

My little guy has been sick since Tuesday so we have been taking it easy for his sake. I don't know what I would do without my husband who is so flexible and generous. He adjusted his work schedule yesterday so my daughter and I could go to co-op and he could stay home with GMan.
In our homeschool this week: GMan almost has the poem, Mr. Nobody (from FLL) memorized. He illustrated it and sent his copywork to grandma - a big project for him. Miss B is working on Adverbs in Easy Grammar. She also finished an Amelia Earhart biography this week. Math, History, Spelling, and all other subjects went on as usual. The kids begged me (like they usually do!) to read extra chapters in The Story of the World. I think the kids' favorite thing this week was working on our Sunny Seashells Download 'n Go unit study using the seashells we found at the beach two weeks ago.
Today I'm declaring it a SNOW DAY! There is no snow on the ground, but back in January when all of the school kids were out for five days due to the ice we kept on schooling. Therefore, today is our snow day. Ahhhh..........
Places we're going and people we're seeing: Monday we went to The Fabulous Fox Theatre in downtown Atlanta to see Seussical the Musical. We rode with friends of ours, so all of the kids had a great time to and from, and the moms got a chance to talk! The show was very good - we downloaded the Broadway recording of the musical when we got home and have been listening this week.
My favorite thing this week: This has to be clothes shopping with my almost ten year old yesterday. We had a chance to spend some time alone since daddy was home with GMan. She is getting to be such a young lady and has particular ideas about things. We stuck to our budget and had fun trying on outfits. The "tween" is quite an interesting species, I must say - so I'm gearing up for the years to come!
What's working/not working for us: This week I tried to put history on two days and science on two days. When we try to get to everything in one day it never works! Yesterday was most successful, and we just focused on math, grammar, Bible and geography --- my children's attention spans are longer as they get older and I think scheduling like this will work.
Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I Have: I don't really have any questions this week.... I'm just so happy to be able to bounce a lot of questions and ideas off of the awesome group of moms at our co-op. Yesterday we talked about keeping the house clean and navigating the tween years. I'm so thankful to be part of this community!
A photo to share: One night when GMan wasn't feeling well I gave him a box of foam beads I had gotten at Wal-Mart for $1, some purple thread, and a big needle. He spent a long time stringing beads and made all of us bracelets. He's not usually my crafty guy, so I was glad to see him doing this. I just love a good bargain!
*Hop over to Hip, Homeschool Moms to read other mom's journals this week!
Reader Comments (12)
Mary, We really need to tell Theresa @ Our Life in Words to start that tween yahoo group! You have a soon to be 10 yr old, I have a 10 1/2 year old and her daughter just turned 11. We are all experiencing the same things. It is an interesting age. Sometimes what you say is great, and sometimes you can say the same thing and embarrass them. Sometimes they want to be with you and sometimes they don't seem to remember you name. We are not even at the "teen" yet! I do love this stage though and there are times when I wish I could hold onto this age just a bit longer.....
Sounds like a lot of exciting excursions at your place!
I love the idea of "sending copywork to grandma" :)
We too, alternate days for History, Science, and Geography lessons...much less pressure and keeps things interesting.
God bless husbands who step in to help when needed!
Hope Gman is on the mend, soon:)
I have a tween daughter to and it is interesting!
My daughter will be 10 in September and I love the time that we spend together talking about things like her friends and Girl Scouts.
So fun the two of you shopping together!
WOW, good luck tomorrow to you, your students and your daughter! Sounds like a great week! Good for you declaring it a snow day!
It sounds like you had a great week! Enjoy your Snow Day!
Thank you for the kind comment about my blog =) I think EVERYONE was sick this week!
Thanks for visiting and for becoming a follower. It's nice to "make new friends".
That musical sounds like such fun! My husband's cousin and his family live in the Atlanta area, I am going to ask her if they have been to see it.
I am glad the alternating days for history and science have worked. I have often thought of doing something similarly with my high schoolers...
Have a great day!
Oh my goodness, it's so true that the "tween" is an interesting species! I have a 10-year-old, too! I'm already having quite a few of those days where I feel like anything I say is just not right!
And I do so want to get back into doing poetry, which is something we've let slack off here.
Wow what a busy week with a full day of piano. Thanks for sharing.
Ah the tween girl, exotic, difficult, wonder-filled, blessings while making you tear out your hair sometimes. Hope your little guy is all better!
I hope the competition went well. We LOVE Seussical! We got to see it about two years ago and the kids and I can sing the whole cd now! It's great traveling music. My son just turned 10 in Feb. and informed me that he is now officially a "pre-teen"! So far he is the same kid with a larger appetite and feet that are now larger than my own size 9's!