Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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Entries in legos (39)


LEGO® Education in Your Homeschool


 LEGO® Education has enhanced our homeschool in untold ways.

My son actually sees most of life in LEGO bricks (if you have a child that is LEGO obsessed you know what I mean!). Our curriculum pieces from LEGO® Education have been such a blessing. 

LEGO Education in Your Homeschool

As you are thinking about curriculum for next year, I want to remind you that I have many reviews of LEGO® Education materials here on the blog. You can find appropriate age ranges, our impressions, and more. 

Better still, in this post I will share with you how WE USE LEGO® Education and also a very special deal on two of their products.

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Learn About Pi With LEGO® Bricks - Free Printable


Learn About Pi with LEGO Bricks

Let's completely geek out for this post. 

Stick with me. This was a FUN activity with my nine year old son, and I am just willing to bet that you have a child similar to him living in your house, too!

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Special Deal from LEGO® Education

So many of you message me about deals from LEGO® Education.  I am proud to be an ambassador for this wonderful company and want to share the knowledge I have of LEGO® Education with my readers.

Yes, sometimes basic brick sets can be on sale via Amazon or other outlets, but it's rare for these exceptional products to be on sale.

Currently, there is a group buy deal going on through the Homeschool Buyers' Co-Op. The co-op is free to join and offers many deals for homeschoolers.

 I have reviewed a few of the sets that are on sale currently - so you can read about our experiences and also check out the deal through the co-op:



The other items we also own, and have used, but not as extensively as of yet.  There is SO MUCH to a product from LEGO® Education that you can literally use it for YEARS.

Explore the deals for yourself, and I hope you can take advantage of these stellar products for your children. They are WELL worth the investment.