Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in collage friday (125)


Turning Off "The Growth Switch" - Collage Friday


When Anna was little my husband would reach behind her neck each night and turn off her "growth switch".  He was always bewildered that God had turned it on by the next morning.  It's turned into a ritual to turn off that switch on our children each night, but why doesn't it work?    

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Collage Friday - A Weird Place I Found LEGOS and Other Observations


Looking back on our week, this picture of my sweet boy doing his math in the warm fall sunshine sums it up perfectly.  I feel like God has been lighting our path in all we do.   

It's been such an odd week.  I've felt uneasy because of the electon, the weather is changing, and we had a time change.  I also celebrated a birthday last Saturday!   My dear husband let me pick out new furniture for the family room (this was HUGE because we just don't go out and buy furniture often) and then he and I enjoyed a scrumptious dinner at a restaurant we had been wanting to try.

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Thankful - Collage Friday

As I write this edition of Collage Friday, my husband and I are also watching the evening news.   The depth of the devastation because of Hurricane Sandy seems incomprehensible.    

Living in the southeast we've been pretty much unaffected.   All we can do is watch the devastation, pray, and be thankful for our blessings.   

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