Valentine's Day Project for Kids






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Entries in collage friday (125)


Flip Flops and Challenge on Winter Break - Collage Friday


Sometimes the littlest thing can make the BIGGEST difference. 

Technically we were on a winter homeschool break this week - no scheduled classes at Classical Conversations. But, we have been doing a little bit of school since we are home and might want some vacation days in spring.

This week the temperatures got above 60 and I pulled out my flip flops. Just seeing my toes and being warm is enough to make me happy, but my favorite flip flops make me even more happy. Don't you love the picture of my 42 year old feet? That's what you call "no fear" blogging!

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All About Love {and Ice} - Collage Friday

I'm sure you heard about the "catastrophic" ice strom in the southeast this week.

Yes, just two weeks after thousands of motorists being stranded on our freeways and two days of snow, we endured several days of ice and major inconvenineces.

In fact, I am working on this post Wednesday (while we still have power). It's been on and off a bit and I just want to get this out so it's ready for Friday!

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Interest Led Learning Within a Classical Framework


I cannot commit 100% to a specific homeschool model. There are good points in each, and to limit our homeschool to one approach seems short sighted. 

The Classical model, however, works for the MAJORITY of our learning. It provides a framework and structure to our days. Being in Classical Conversations gives us direction and stability.

There are times, however, when we just have to take off on an interest led tangent.

This year I am figuring out how to incorporate interest led learning within a Classical framework. Today's Collage Friday post is a peek into this part of our homeschool.

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