Valentine's Day Project for Kids






Welcome! My name is Mary. I help parents educate their children at home one day at a time. This site offers LEGO printablesfree music lessonsunit studies,  and much more. Use the tabs above to discover what Homegrown Learners has to offer. You will be equipped and encouraged to travel a most amazing path in your home!

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Entries by Mary Prather (1222)


Questions about Middle and High School Homeschool



If you have a child in the middle/high school age group, you have MANY questions about homeschooling them.

(Even if you don't have a child that age yet, you probably have many questions!)

How do I make a transcript?

How do I assign grades?

How will my child get into college?

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Music Appreciation In The Homeschool - SQUILT Bundle Giveaway


Learning how to appreciate beautiful music is a GIFT we need to be giving our children.

Since I was a little girl, I have loved music. Because of the many records that played constantly in my house, as well as the symphony concerts my parents made it possible for me to attend, my love grew from a very young age.

Majoring in music in college furthered my appreciation.

It wasn't until I began teaching young children, however, that a passion ignited in me to SHARE that love of music with others.

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A Typical Week in Foundations



The spine for my son's homeschool is the Classical Conversations' Foundations program.

I have heard criticism that CC can RESTRICT a homeschool, but I have found that it actually  gives me a guide and a jumping off point for further learning. It frees ME up to spend my time on other things that are important to our family.

If you aren't familiar with Foundations, our kids memorize facts each week -- 6 facts to be exact -- in the areas of Math, History, Latin, English Grammar, Science, and Timeline. 

Our children also receive Fine Arts (artists, musicians, playing the tin whistle) instruction that we can expand upon during the week. 

This works well for our family, and I appreciate how well integrated the memory facts are, and how everything eventually ties together in the Challenge years.

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