Medieval Music Notebooking Pages

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As we study the Middle Ages we are learning about the music of this time period. My children keep notebooks of their Story of the World activity sheets and any supplemental map work, journaling, lapbook elements, coloring, or notes.
I've asked my oldest to research music of the Middle Ages and to find out specifically about the composer Hildegard von Bingen (listen to the music here), minstrels, and the instruments used in the Middle Ages.
You can download the notebooking pages I've created. The set includes:
1. Music of the Middle Ages
2. Minstrels
3. Instruments of the Middle Ages
4. Composer - Hildegard von Bingen
Please let me know if you use these notebooking pages and if you have any requests for music notebooking pages!

Reader Comments (8)
These are so awesome. I'm covering Middle Ages with my son next year, so I'll print these out! Thanks so much!
Ah, thank you so much, Mary, for the links & the notebooking pages! This is so timely for us right now! (Thank you, Lord, for Mary's generosity and Your perfect timing!)
Wonderful! Wish I had had this post when we studied the Middle Ages!
Thank you Mary. I just grabbed them. As much as we have studied Middle Ages this year, we have done very little about the music. That is one reason I love HS Moms. We all bring different perspectives to the learning!
Funny, we just went to Battle of the Nations her in Poland. Fun stuff.
This is really neat! Would you consider sharing this post at my href="">Trivium Tuesdays link-up?
Sorry, I messed up the HTML…the link is,
We're in the middle ages at the moment and have recently finished a study on Guido D'Arrezzo. These notepages will come in handy for our next few composers. Thank you so much for sharing them with us all!