Me and My Blog

Have you seen the fun meme Rachel is doing? You and Your Blog is a fun way to document your picture with your blog, but then to get thinking a little more deeply about why you blog and what your blog means to you.
Do you go through phases with your blog? I know I have. There are times when I am so excited by it - other times not so much. There are also times I get a lot of positive feedback, and other times... well, not so much!
I started this just a couple of years ago as a fun way to document our days. It's been a crazy adventure and I've met some wonderful people online and in real life. I'd like to think that the longer I blog, the wiser I become, about real life and online life, too.
Here you have it -- this is me... and my blog! I didn't even get all dressed up for you... but this is the way I live most of my days, at home with my children and loving *almost*
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