Homeschooling "Big Kids" 
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 5:00AM
Mary Prather


Homeschooling Big Kids

This post is about homeschooling the "Big Kids". 

What, you ask, exactly defines a "Big Kid"? 

BIG KID = a child who is past the initial "sponge" stage of learning, a child who is developing thoughts and opinions of their own; a child who might believe they know best most of the time; a child who only thinks a shower is necessary once every three days; a child who is conflicted most of their waking hours; and a child who is full of potential and joy.

 {Commonly known as a middle school or high school student}

I've struggled to find what "works" for my big kid - and I'm not talking about a little struggle, it's been big.

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Much time has been spent on my knees, in tears, and talking with good friends.  

Many date nights have occurred spontaneously in the middle of the week so my husband could be my sounding board - so we could work through the issues of our changing homeschool. 

There's so much I CANNOT share with you (to respect my children's privacy), but I can share this:

Sometimes the journey homeschooling an older child is just plain HARD.

Well meaning friends tell me, "Oh, I could never homeschool my child during these hormonal years!" {and you know what I what I would tell them, right?} 

Let's talk about the challenges, joys,  and OPTIONS when homeschooling your bigger kids. 

I don't think homeschool moms talk about it enough. We hear all of the fluffy stories and assume other families have picture perfect homeschools. 

It just isn't so.


Challenges of Homeschooling a Big Kid

Narrowing this list down to 5 was tough. Let's be honest: there are many challenges to homeschooling at any age, but this middle grades age has given me quite a bit to ponder. 


Joys of Homeschooling a Big Kid

I have to remind myself to focus on the joys and not the challenges... some days the challenges can bog you down, but when I step back and get some distance from the situation I can better see the joys.

What are Your Options?

I've explored all of these on some level - we're very familiar with OPTIONS around here....

These options can be utilized alone or in conjunctions with one another. 


Starting next week I will be writing about our experiences in the Challenge program with Classical Conversations. For my "Big Kid", this has been the perfect balance of "school" and "home". She is growing, learning, and "challenging" us on a daily basis. The parents we have met all sharpen one another, and I am certain this is where we need to be.

Tell me about your "big kid". Has homeschooling them being challenging? Joyful? A mixture of both?

Let's talk "big kids"! 

Article originally appeared on Homegrown Learners (
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