Notebooking Pages Sale
Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 6:35AM
Mary Prather in Notebooking Pages, notebooking, notebooking

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Do you notebook in your homeschool? 

We notebook through all subject areas, and no matter what our schooling method at the time, we have used notebooking as a way to cement learning and have a beautiful record of that learning, too.

{If you're curious about what notebooking is all about, my friend Jimmie has a simple and informative eBook, Notebooking Success, that gives you all of the ins and outs!}

My favorite resource for Notebooking is Notebooking Pages.  

Two specials are happening only until tomorrow (1/17):

Wondering what you can do with Notebooking Pages?  Here are a few examples from our homeschool:

Using Notebooking Pages In Every Area of Your Homeschool

Notebooking Through Classical Conversations

Grab this resource today if you are interested in notebooking or already notebook and want thousands of pages at your fingertips!   


Article originally appeared on Homegrown Learners (
See website for complete article licensing information.