Working on a Healthy 2013 ~ Whole Wheat Oatmeal Raisin Muffins
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 5:00AM
Mary Prather in Healthy 2013, recipes


My journey to a healthier me in 2013 really means a healthier family, too.

I didn't think it would go over so well if I made the kids go COLD TURKEY on sugar and all those yummy things they love.   

I, instead, have been trying to ease them into the changes and make good tasting alternatives to some of the things they might be missing.

One thing my children always loved for breakfast was muffins.   The muffins, though, were usually the box kind (am I kicked out of the homeschool mom club?) and many times had chocolate chips and lots of butter and sugar.


I don't think my family had TERRIBLE habits, but they weren't wonderful, either.

I know, I'm a bit late to the health party, but I'm here and ready to go!

As I find and try new recipes I will share them with you.   

Of course, I pin them all to my Health board on Pinterest, and from there they go straight into my Plan to Eat (and you KNOW how much I love Plan to Eat!).  

These muffins were easy to make.  I needed to stock my pantry with wheat germ and wheat bran, but other than that all of the ingredients were common.  



They took a bit of time to make, but I think it will be well worth it to have a nutritious breakfast.   

I am committing to spend MORE TIME IN THE KITCHEN this year.   

I think we will all be happier and healthier if I do.





(click the link to see the recipe, or right click the image to save the card to your computer)

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Raisin Muffins


Do you have a favorite healthy breakfast recipe?   Leave me a link!  



Article originally appeared on Homegrown Learners (
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