A Top Ten Questions Video by Homegrown Kids! 
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 5:00AM
Mary Prather in Top Ten Tuesday, top ten tuesday

 Today's Top Ten topic at the iHomeschool Network is "Top 10 Questions People Ask You".   

For some reason, my kids have noticed lately that people ask THEM the same questions over and over.   In talking about today's post (I do consult my kids a lot with blogging... it's a family affair, really!), my daughter thought listing all the "duh" questions they get might be funny.

I agree.

You know, for people totally NOT involved in the homeschool world, homeschooling is a strange concept.



There are a lot of questions, and sometimes I think those questions are born out of curiosity, lack of knowledge, and just not knowing what to say.

The questions are valid ones... but if you homeschool your children you realize that they are asked over and over again, and (especially to a child who has never gone to school) they start to get OLD!  

I asked some of those very same questions before we started homeschooling, so when I call these "Duh" questions I simply mean my kids get them over and over and the answers (to them) are really quite simple! 

What better way to share the questions than a video?  

I take NO CREDIT for this video or the idea behind it.   I just love my sweet kids and their creative and silly spirits.   




If you just want a good laugh, then you want to watch this video from Blimey Cow - Seven Lies About Homeschooling.  It goes right along with our topic today of questions people ask homeschoolers.





*image credit

Article originally appeared on Homegrown Learners (http://homegrownlearners.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.