This is my first born and only daughter, Miss B. She will be eleven this summer, which doesn't really seem possible.
In many ways she is a mini-me. She loves music, reading, children, and being creative. It's wonderful to have a kindred spirit in the house, but we do have our moments of mother-daughter conflict, too. I thought I was pretty good with my children as babies and toddlers - but as they are growing I'm needing to read and learn and (most of all) PRAY about my parenting.
The changes that go on in the life of a ten year old are truly amazing to me. Not only is she gaining on me in height and shoe size, but she's also a completely different learner than she was just a couple of years ago.
So much of her learning now is self-directed. She is compassionate and caring and I want to nurture her love and concern of others as we move forward.
My husband and I seriously considered enrolling her in a classical school here (one day a week - and NO, it wasn't Classical Conversations), but then I realized we still need time for WONDER, SELF-EXPLORATION, and NURTURING OUR PASSIONS. I'm not so sure a rigorous study of grammar, Latin, and writing would benefit her right now. In fact, I think it might actually hinder her social and emotional growth.
I know we are entering a new phase in our homeschool (definitely for her, and probably also for my son, but that's another post!) and I've made some broad goals for next year. As I read these goals I realize that I don't resemble the homeschool mom I was just a few years ago, either!
The mom from before would have wanted her child to have a strict schedule for each day, with assignments clearly outlined for the week. That mom also might have gotten a little out of joint if the math book wasn't "done" by the end of the year. That mom would have put her child's requests aside and said "maybe" and "later" a lot more, too.
The mom I'm trying to be is the one who embraces each moment, listens for God's plans for her children, and doesn't blow with the winds of popular culture. Notice I say I'm trying... it's not always easy.
These are the goals I have set for the coming sixth grade year:
1. We will have no set curriculum.
2. I will provide TONS of living books and many unit studies based on her interests. (We follow a spine of history in The Story of The World and loosely use Apologia science to guide us.)
4. Notebooking will be incorporated into nearly every subject area next year. She loves to notebook and I'd like to give her more freedom and independence with this.
5. She loves her piano playing, and I would like to see her become involved in another type of musical activity.
6. I want to seek more service opportunities for her. She has a servant's heart that it is my duty to nurture.
7. She loves horses... up until now we have resisted riding lessons or much involvement because the expense seemed too great. If her love continues through the summer we will seek lessons and further involvement for her.
7. Open up more of the world to her - continue to travel and learn by LIVING.
Have you noticed all of the posts already starting about next year's "curriculum"? I'm trying to keep it simple and let my child take the lead ~ with a little bit of well researched input from me, her educational guide.
Are you starting to think about next year? Do you think you're the same mom you were at the beginning of this year.... or - how have you changed?