I enjoy reading about other homeschooling families' weeks over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Lots of families are on their first week of school, and others are just a few weeks in. I get inspiration and ideas from the homeschooling community and wanted to participate in the wrap-up this week. So, here's our week in a nutshell:
Tuesday: More of the same.... I taught (and Miss B caught on very well) mixed numbers and improper fractions. Horizons Math gets five stars in my book for making new math concepts easier because of the slow and gentle way they are introduced. My son is loving the Horizons Kindergarten book, too. We cleaned pennies for a fun science experiment and to reinforce their introduction in Kindergarten math.
In the afternoons we read library books after lunch, have an hour silent reading/rest time and then on to anything extra (this particular day I give piano lessons 3:30-7:00, so the kids go to the sitter's house) Speaking of piano - Miss B has a twenty minute practice time as part of her morning routine each day. In the beginning she complained, but now I think she looks forward to her time in the piano room.
Wednesday: We continued with our schedule - seems to be working. The first hour and half in the morning are spent with my nine year old working independently out of her workbox (daily grammar, math, Writing Strands, Bible Study, science notebooking) while I instruct my five year old. He and I work on math, First Language Lessons, and our Five in A Row story. I also listen to him read aloud (this week I gathered readers about our flag to go along with Lentil). The kids did thumbprint art for grandma's birthday cards and their own enjoyment.
Tonight was also our family dinner/book party in celebration of Lentil! We may try and make this an occurrence with each book. It keeps us on our toes and is a great way to involve the family in our endeavors.
Thursday: Morning schedule as normal, trying to get as much done as possible so we can go on a field trip tomorrow. This was day 16 of school for us. It is going very fast! I spent a lot of time reading aloud "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" to Miss B and "The Lucky Baseball Bat" to G Man. Miss B also started the Simple Schooling online unit all about dogs (it was the freebie this week and it was great!). We took the dog to the vet, so this was perfect. We sang "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain (per Lentil again!) and had our SQUILT lesson. For recess today it was just too hot so my son wanted to practice pitching and bouncing the ball in the garage. He set a goal of bouncing 1,000 times and he DID IT! I was proud of him - counting to 1,000 for a five year old is tough stuff.
Friday: Field Trip to The Center for Puppetry Arts
Check back next Friday for another weekly wrap-up!